Veterinary Medicine – S.K.H.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Medicine offers an undergraduate study program in Veterinary Medicine. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan (S.K.H.) title. The program has received the B accreditation from BAN-PT, the national body of higher education accreditation in Indonesia. The duration of the study is 8 semesters. The program is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

The Universitas Padjadjaran Veterinary Medicine program explores the various aspects of the welfare of symbiosis between humans, animals, and their environments which include disease, breeding, animal product quality and safety among many others. This adheres to the program’s vision to become a study program which produces graduates who excel in science and biomedicine based veterinary medical practices.

The competence based study carried out by the program is designed for the graduates to be skilled in planning and executing:

(a) Prevention, control, and treatment of contagious animal and zoonosis diseases,
(b) Care and cultivation of animals and improvement of livestock production and reproduction,
(c) Preservation and utilization of animals for human and environmental welfare,
(d) Animal product quality assurance and safety,
(e) Improvement of animal growth nutrition quality and environmental health,
(f) Supervision and assurance of the quality, use, and distribution of veterinary medicinal products and biological ingredients.

The teaching method applied by the program is based on the principle of Student Teacher Aesthetic Role-sharing (STAR) by proportionally combining Teacher Centered Learning and Student Centered Learning in keeping with the learning outcome desired. The mandatory amount of credits to be taken during the program is 148 credits (SKS) to be accumulated through 8 semesters, or a maximum of 14 semesters. In the first year, the students must take 17 credits in the form of a fixed set of courses.

Career Prospects

The professional opportunities the undergraduate study program in Veterinary Medicine affords its graduates include, though are not limited, to:

  1. Work in veterinary hospitals and animal clinics
  2. Work in diagnostic laboratories
  3. Veterinary legislation
  4. Work in zoos and animal shelters
  5. Wildlife conservation
  6. Consumer protection,
  7. Academic
  8. Veterinary medicine author