
During the 1950s, Bandung had a number of higher education institutions like the Faculty of Engineering and The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, which were part of Universitas Indonesia, and Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG). However, there was a demand for a state university that could provide a variety of disciplines. The need for one became more imminent when Bandung was appointed as the host for the Asian-African Conference in 1955.

On October 14, 1956, a committee was formed at Bandung City Hall to carry out the specific task of establishing a state university in Indonesia. The committee appointed Prof. Muh. Yamin, Mr. Soenardi, Prof. Bushar Muhammad, S.H., and other prominent West Java figures as its delegates to deliver the public’s and the government’s aspiration for a state university in Bandung.

On August 25, 1957, a working group was established. It was chaired by R. Ipik Gandamana, the Governor of West Java at the time. The working group was formed with the aim of accelerating the birth of the state university. The result of the group was the birth of Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) on Wednesday, September 11, 1957

The name “Padjadjaran” was taken from a medieval kingdom in Tatar Sunda (Sunda land, covering the present-day West Java and Banten provinces as well as the Special Capital Region of Jakarta). The kingdom of Padjadjaran was ruled by King Siliwangi or King Dewantaprana Maharaja Sri Baduga from Pakuan Padjadjaran (1473-1513 AD).

At the time of its establishment, Unpad consisted of 4 faculties: Law and Civic Knowledge, Economics (both formerly parts of Yayasan Universitas Merdeka in Bandung), Teacher Training and Education (an incarnation of PTPG in Bandung), and Medicine.

On September 18, 1960, the Faculty of Physical Education was established. From 1963 to 1964, the Faculty of Physical Education and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education separated from Unpad, each one becoming their own institutions.

By 2005, Unpad had opened eleven more faculties: Social and Political Sciences (October 13, 1958), Mathematics and Natural Sciences (November 1, 1958), Arts (November 1, 1958, now Cultural Sciences), Agriculture (November 1, 1959), Dentistry (November 1, 1959), Publicity (September 18, 1960, now Communication Science), Psychology (September 1, 1961), Animal Husbandry (July 27, 1963), Nursing (June 8, 2005), Fisheries and Marine Science (July 7, 2005), and Agricultural Science (September 13, 2005).

Over two years later, Unpad upgraded the status of two study programs in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, which were pharmacy and geology. Pharmacy became the Faculty of Pharmacy (October 17, 2006) and geology became the Faculty of Geological Engineering (December 12, 2007).

In order to improve the performance of the university, on September 7, 1982, Unpad established the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies. This faculty organizes postgraduate studies such as the Master’s Program and the Doctoral Program. In further developments, the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies became the Postgraduate School. Unpad also offers Vocational Programs for some fields of study.

Unpad Rectors

1957-1961 Prof. Iwa Koesoemasoemantri, S.H.
1961-1964 Prof. R. G. Soeria Soemantri, drg.
1964-1966 Moh. Sanusi Hardjadinata
1966-1973 Prof. R. S. Speria Atmadja
1973-1974 Prof. Dr. Muchtar K., S.H., LL.M.
1974-1982 Prof. Dr. Hindersah Wiraatmadja
1982-1990 Prof. Dr. Yuyun Wirasasmita, M.Sc.
1990-1998 Prof. Dr. H. Maman P. Rukmana
1998-2007 Prof. Dr. H. A. Himendra Wargahadibrata, dr., Sp.An., KIC
2007-2015 Prof. Dr. Ir. Ganjar Kurnia, DEA.
2015-2019 Prof. Dr. med. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dr.
2019-now Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti, S.E., M.SIE.

Jatinangor Campus

Inspired by the Tsukuba Science City, the sixth Unpad Rector, Prof. Dr. Hindersah Wiraatmadja initiated Manglayang Academic City, located at the foot of Mount Manglayang.

The concept was made to remedy Unpad’s problem of having thirteen different locations. Having these many locations made it hard to coordinate and improve the university’s productivity, quality of graduates, and development of facilities and physical infrastructure.

Since 1977, Unpad looked to acquire adequate land, and in 1979 it was carried out with the obtainment of former plantation land in Jatinangor.

The area covers 3,285.5 hectares of land, which is divided into seven designated regions. The development of Unpad’s Jatinangor campus covers 175 hectares.

Since 1983, Unpad gradually started moving its educational activities into Jatinangor, initiated by the Faculty of Agriculture and later followed by other faculties. On January 5, 2012, Unpad’s Rectorate Building was officially moved to Jatinangor.