Sundanese Studies – S.Hum.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Cultural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in Sundanese Studies. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Humaniora (S.Hum.) title. The program has received the highest grade of accreditation of A from BAN-PT, Indonesia’s national accreditation body for higher education institutions. The program lasts for 8 semesters, and is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

Unpad’s undergraduate program in Sundanese Studies was established by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, then called the Faculty of Letters, in 1958. The program thoroughly explores and deepens the students’ knowledge on the topics of Sundanese language, literature and philology to equip them with expertise in those fields and prepare them to enter the professional world. Furthermore, the Sundanese Studies program also teaches journalism, broadcasting, and cultural tourism based on the Sundanese language. Various artforms of the Sundanese, such as karawitan and Sundanese dance and music, as well as Sundanese culinary arts are also part of this program.

Throughout its history, the Sundanese Studies program has established itself as a leading institution in the study of Sundanese language, literature, and culture locally, nationally, and internationally.


The curriculum of Unpad’s Sundanese Studies program is designed and carried out in accordance with national and international standards. The curriculum integrates study, research, and community service with the main goal of producing graduates and scientific works which are beneficial to the development of the program, nation, and general Sundanese speaking public.

Aside from continuously enhancing the quality of the graduates, the professors of the program are also encouraged to frequently perform research, have it published in national or international scientific journals, and to disseminate their knowledge in seminars. Their research focuses on issues emerging in society, businesses, and government. The professors also publish reference books and learning material for Sundanese language and literature at least twice a year.

Career Prospects

Graduates of the Sundanese Studies program is spread throughout various fields of work. On average, graduates of the program gain employment 6 months after finishing their study. 85% of Sundanese Studies graduates have careers in fields directly related to their study, such as linguistic or literary research at government institutions concerned with education, culture, tourism, or language, as well as museums and libraries. Teaching has also emerged as a sought-after career path by Sundanese Studies alumni. Graduates of the program have also taken up professions such as presenting, broadcasting, and hosting in television, radio, or government institutions.

Lately, a portion of the alumni has also chosen to work in banking. They are recruited for placement in areas with a high number of Sundanese speaking customers, where their skills are in demand to provide services to customers who prefers to communicate in Sundanese.


The partnerships built by Unpad’s Sundanese Studies program are not limited to education institutions. The program also frequently collaborates with local communities, professional associations, businesses, and government insitutions.*