Russian Studies – S.Hum.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Cultural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in Russian Studies. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Humaniora (S.Hum.) title. The program has received the highest accreditation from BAN-PT, a grade of A. The duration of the study is 8 semesters. The program is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

sastra rusia

Established in 1962, Unpad’s Russian Studies program aims to uphold internationally-recognized standards of teaching and the values of the three pillars of higher education, supported by the development of education management and local and international partnerships.

The program is committed to virtue and professionalism in the fields of Russian language, literature, and culture in order to realize a globally recognized mastery, development, and application of the relevant knowledge for the good of the nation.


The Russian Studies program offers courses categorized into those taught at a university-wide level, those taught at a faculty level, and those taught specially to students of Russian Studies. The university courses covers mandatory subjects for all Unpad students such as Indonesian, Religious Education, and Civic Studies. The faculty-wide courses cover subjects tailored specifically for applying one’s knowledge of the humanities to fields such as diplomacy, business, and tourism.

Courses specific to the Russian Studies program more thoroughly cover Russian language, literature, and culture. These courses are categorized into those teaching Russian grammar, conversation, translation, literary analysis, history, cultural studies, and Russian area studies.

Teaching Staff

The Russian Studies teaching staff consist of 4 Doctors, 3 of which graduated from Russian universities, 4 Doctoral Candidates, and 2 graduates of universities in Saint Petersburg and Kazan. The program also routinely invites guest lecturers and professors from Russia, specifically from the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Student Organization

HIMARUS, short for Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Rusia (Russian Studies Student Association) is a student organization made up of Russian Studies students which act as a platform for curricular and extracurricular activities at the study program level. HIMARUS is also part of the faculty-wide student organization, the BEM. HIMARUS actively participates in various academic, social, sporting, and artistic events and endeavors, and is well-regarded locally, nationally, and internationally.

Instagram: @himarusunpad
YouTube: Himarus Unpad
LinkedIn: Himarus Unpad

Career Prospects

Since its founding, countless graduates have found success in various fields of work and institutions. A few of the most common fields of work after graduating the Russian Studies program include:

  • Academic, with some continuing their studies in Eastern Europe
  • Journalism
  • Diplomacy
  • Working with the Indonesian military
  • Business

The program also maintains a good relationship with its alumni, and regularly holds events for graduates to meet and connect.