Pangandaran Campus

PSDKU (“Program Studi di Luar Kampus Utama”, meaning “Study Programs Outside of The Main Campus”) Universitas Padjadjaran Pangandaran is a campus purposed to facilitate Unpad’s study programs that are conducted outside of the main campus, located in Pangandaran. PSDKU Unpad Pangandaran was founded in 2016 to ensure that the West Java community, especially in Pangandaran, Ciamis, Tasikmalaya and surrounding areas, can continue their education at a highly qualified university, such as Universitas Padjadjaran.

In 2016, as one of Universitas Padjadjaran’s efforts to increase the development of West Java, especially in Priangan Timur, Unpad collaborated with the Pangandaran Regency Government and the Jawa Barat (West Java) Provincial Government to open a multi-campus education in Pangandaran. The Pangandaran Regency Government provided 20 ha of land in Cintaratu, Parigi District, Pangandaran Regency for the campus construction. During the construction, lecture activities were temporarily carried out in Cikembulan, Sidamulih District, Pangandaran Regency.

The Rector’s Foreword

PSDKU Unpad Pangandaran was founded in 2016 to ensure that the Jawa Barat (West Java) community, especially in Pangandaran, Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, and surrounding areas, can continue their education at a highly qualified university, such as Universitas Padjadjaran. The communities in Pangandaran and surrounding areas are expected to pursue education at least until the undergraduate level, in the hope of achieving an increase in the quality of human resources to further develop their areas.

PSDKU Unpad Pangandaran received full support from the West Java Provincial Government and the Pangandaran Regency Government. Through the governor, the West Java Provincial Government is committed to providing educational facilities and infrastructure in the form of campuses and funding for several operational costs, making the quality of education at PSDKU Unpad Pangandaran no different from the one conducted in the main campus. The provision of educational facilities and infrastructure, as well as the provision and improvement of the lecturers’ quality, are the main concerns of Universitas Padjadjaran in maintaining the quality of education at PSDKU Unpad Pangandaran.

However, the student’s participation and hard work in developing self-competence while studying at this campus are the barometers of success and improvement of PSDKU Unpad Pangandaran. Students are expected to be able to adapt to the current digital era. For example, in terms of learning, students are expected to not only rely on lecturer materials in class but also learn resources from the internet or other sources independently.

The Presence of Unpad in Pangandaran

As the youngest regency in West Java, Pangandaran has a low college enrollment rate despite having various potentials. Therefore, PSDKU Unpad was established in Pangandaran to further develop the regency in terms of education.

Hopefully, the improvement of education can encourage the advancement of Pangandaran and trigger growth in other fields, including the economy and society. By prioritizing transformative learning, students can be closer to reality and develop critical reflective thinking and knowledge.

Theoretical lessons can directly be applied to real-life situations in the surrounding environments, making the students able to actively solve the problems in Pangandaran. The implementation of the three pillars of higher education at PSDKU Unpad Pangandaran is directed towards an integrative and collaborative pattern with the stakeholders, producing an educational entity that is able to improve the growth of various communities through science and technology, especially in West Java.
