Mathematics – S.Mat.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in Mathematics. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Matematika (S.Mat.) title. The program has received the highest accreditation from BAN-PT, the national body of higher education accreditation in Indonesia, with a grade of A. The duration of the study is 8 semesters. The program is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

The Unpad Mathematics program aims to produce graduates who are experts in applying their scientific knowledge and skills in mathematics in the professional world. Mathematics is integral in solving the many problems posed by various aspects of life and the development of science and technology. With high detail-oriented thinking and logical proficiency, especially in utilizing mathematical models, graduates from this program will be able to actively participate in responding to a myriad of societal issues.

There are two specializations (KBM) in the Mathematics undergraduate program, Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. The KBM of Pure Mathematics consists of two focuses (KBK), namely the KBK for Algebra and the KBK for Mathematical Analysis and Geometry. The KBM of Applied Mathematics, on the other hand, consists of four KBKs, Stochastic Modelling, Mathematical Biology and Environmental Mathematics, Optimization and Operations Research, and Mathematical Economics and Finance.

Career Prospects

Graduates of Unpad’s Mathematics program mostly find work in government institutions as well as banks, hospitals, non-ministerial government bodies (LPNK), and state-owned enterprises (SOE). Graduates have also proven to be successful in finding work in local and international privately owned businesses, with notable examples becoming employees of companies such as Chevron, Mobil, and Caltex.