Law – S.H.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Law offers an undergraduate study program in Law. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Hukum (S.H.) title, equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree. The program has received accreditation from the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA), as well as the highest grade of accreditation from BAN-PT, Indonesia’s national accreditation body for higher education institutions. The program lasts for 8 semesters, and is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

The undergraduate program in Law aims to:

  1. Develop curriculums in accordance with the demands and needs of the people.
  2. Carry out education based on student-centered learning methods, striving to:
    • Be effective and efficient
    • Expose students to the realities of legal practice among the general public
  3. Improve the quality of instruction through further learning and research, as well as other scientific endeavors
  4. Produce graduates who are able to:
    • Compete in, and contribute to, the workforce both locally and internationally
    • Grasp the concept of law as a medium for development
    • Analyze issues regarding law in society
    • Apply legal knowledge justly
    • Provide legal services for the people according to their expertise and skill
    • Develop their legal competence independently
    • Develop and improve professionalism in the legal field by upholding the ethics of the legal professions
  5. Enhance the quantity and quality of legal research, as well as oversight over legal research activities with the aim of benefitting the development of the law
  6. Carry out and boost community service

Career Prospects

The undergraduate program in Law equips its graduates to find work in:

  1. The judicial system: Judge, Prosecutor, etc.
  2. Legal services: Lawyer, Legal Officer, Mediator, Legal Consultant, etc.
  3. Administration and Bureaucracy
  4. Academia
  5. Other sectors