Indonesian Studies – S.Hum.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Cultural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in Indonesian Studies. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Humaniora (S.Hum.) title. The program has received the highest accreditation of A from BAN-PT, the national body of higher education accreditation in Indonesia. The duration of the study is 8 semesters. The program is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Indonesian Studies program was the first program established at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, then known as the Faculty of Letters. The program focuses on the study of Indonesian language, literature, and culture, with specific courses teaching various aspects of language proficiency, including grammar and written and oral communication.

In an effort to continuously and sustainably enhance the quality of education offered, the Indonesian Studies program aims to become a distinguished world-class higher education program by 2026. The program also commits to producing exemplary graduates who contribute in the fields of Indonesian language and literature, both locally and globally, and are able to adapt to change.


The curriculum of the Indonesian Studies program is aligned with Unpad’s guidelines for the management of undergraduate programs, specifically in its outlined vision, mission, and objectives. Curriculum reviews are done periodically to ensure its accordance with society’s political, social, economic, and cultural situation, so the program can produce graduates with qualifications as desired by stakeholders. Currently, the curriculum requires students to finish their study within 4 years, which is considered to be on time, with 3.5 years being the minimum amount of time, and 7 years the maximum, to finish one’s study in the program . The mandatory amount of credit scores (SKS) to be acquired is 146.

The Indonesian Studies program’s curriculum have included structured standards of graduate competencies, categorizing them into the main, supporting, and miscellaneous competency. This aids the program in achieving its objectives, carrying out its mission, and realizing its vision.

The learning outcomes regarding general knowledge to be attained from the program are:

  1. Master the theoretical concepts of Indonesian language and literature.
  2. Master fundamental creative skills required in the fields of Indonesian language and literature.
  3. Master the basics of research methodologies in Indonesian linguistics and literature.
  4. Master the techniques for applying linguistic and literary concepts to increase understanding of the Indonesian identity.

Whereas the specific skills focused by the learning outcomes are:

  1. Identifying, classifying, and systematizing issues of Indonesian language and literature which are developing in society;
  2. Formulating various alternative solutions to issues in the fields of Indonesian language and literature as a basis for understanding humanitarian issues;
  3. Communicating using Indonesian language and literature media;
  4. Conducting linguistic and literary research utilizing proper theoretical concepts and research methods;
  5. Analyzing issues in Indonesian linguistics and literature using various analysis techniques;
  6. Producing creative work in the fields of Indonesian language and literature.

Students of the program have generally demonstrated exceptional academic competence, in addition to how those accepted into the program were chosen through a highly competitive nation-wide selection and enrollment. This is evidenced by 70% of the program’s students having graduated on time with a GPA average of 3.2.

The professors at the program do not merely teach, as they are supported to also focus on research and community service. This also motivates both professors and students to collaborate and be involved.

Academic works made by professors of Unpad’s Indonesian Studies program have been published in many books, scientific articles, newspapers, as well as various national and international journals and conference proceedings. The program’s professors also are often invited as speakers and experts in their field in many national and international events.

In addition, the professors are also involved in teaching Indonesian to speakers of other languages through BIPA. Each year, foreign students come to Universitas Padjadjaran to learn the Indonesian language. The professors themselves are sent to various countries to teach Indonesian abroad.

With the increase of global interest towards the Indonesian language, as well as its choosing as a second or elective language in several world-class universities, the opportunity to spread Indonesian language and culture throughout the world is wide open. In addition, BIPA allows for more career opportunities for Indonesian Studies graduates.

Career Prospects

Since its inception, thousands of Unpad Indonesian Studies alumni have successfully paved careers in many diverse fields and institutions. The profiles of graduates also range widely, from teachers and lecturers to Indonesian language educators as a tool for diplomacy in universities across the globe. Unpad’s Indonesian Studies alumni are also dispersed in mass media, working as journalists, writers, and editors among other positions.


Currently, Unpad’s Indonesian Studies program maintains an active collaboration with Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) which has continued on for 15 years. Every year, professors from the program are sent as guest lecturers at SISU. Furthermore, SISU students are sent to Unpad to study for a year.*
