Geophysics – S.Si.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in Geophysics. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Sains (S.Si.) title. The program has received an accreditation of baik sekali (very good) from LAMSAMA, an independent accreditation body for natural and formal science in Indonesia. The duration of the study is 8 semesters. The program is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

Geophysics is a science which investigates and describes current physical phenomena occurring on earth and the environments therein to comprehend the past and predict the future, where such phenomena are expressed through measured physics-based parameters. The undergraduate program in Geophysics, offered by Unpad FMIPA, aims to teach the students skills in applying geophysical principles, conducting effective research, and communicating information effectively in a scientific setting.

The total amount of credits that students of the program need to accumulate is 144 SKS, equating to a minimum of 576 hours at 4-5 hours per SKS. The courses are split between theoretical study and practicum, with a 60% to 40% split respectively. The Geophysics program is also supported by a highly qualified teaching staff, with backgrounds ranging from accomplished academics to industry professionals and practitioners.

Career Prospects

Studying at Unpad’s undergraduate Geophysics program affords its graduates many opportunities of work, either within the field, in a related field, or otherwise.

Graduates opting to utilize their accumulated knowledge of geophysics have successfully found work in government institutions such as the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Lemigas, or BMKG (Indonesia’s agency for meteorology, climatology, and geophysics). Graduates have also found success venturing into research and academia, either at higher education institutions or institutions such as LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), and working in private companies within the industries of mining, oil, and gas.