Address: Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor 45363
Phone: (+62) 22 7796200

Dean: Prof. Dr. apt. Ajeng Diantini, MSi.
Vice Dean 1: Dr. apt. Aliya Nur Hasanah, M.Si.
Vice Dean 2: Prof. apt. Auliya A. Suwantika, Ph.D.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Pharmacy (Fakultas Farmasi) was originally the Department of Pharmacy, established on February 19, 1959 as a department under the Faculty of Exact and Natural Science (FIPPA). On October 17, 2006, it the department separated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to stand independently and become the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Currently, the faculty offers study programs at four levels, namely a Pharmacy Study Program for a Bachelor’s degree, Professional degree, Master’s degree, and Doctoral Degree, as well as a Master’s Degree in Clinical Pharmacy. All but one of the programs offered by the Faculty have attained the highest level of accreditation per Badan Akreditasi Nasional – Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT).

Unpad’s Faculty of Pharmacy continuously endeavors to establish internationally competitive and relevant higher education practices, apply good governance in its teaching, innovate in pharmaceutical research and development, and carry out collaborations in teaching, research, and community service in accordance to the needs of the people. The Faculty aims to become a world-renowned higher education institution in the field of pharmacy and contribute to the improvement of the quality of public health.

Study Programs:


  • Bachelor’s Degree
    • Pharmacy


  • Professional Entry Program
    • Pharmacist
  • Master’s Degree:
    • Pharmacy
    • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Doctoral Degree
    • Pharmacy


  • Analysis and Physicochemistry Laboratory
  • Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory
  • Pharmaceutics Laboratory
  • Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory
  • Natural Products Laboratory
  • Microbiology And Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • Pharmacology Laboratory
  • Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory
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