Address: Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang km 21, Jatinangor 45363
Phone: (+62) 811 2006 4333

Dean: Prof. Dr. Hj. Nunuy Nur Afiah, S.E., MS., Ak., CA.
Vice Dean 1: Prof. Dr. Maman Setiawan, S.E., M.T.
Vice Dean 2: Dr. Kurniawan Saefullah, S.E., M.Ec.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Economics and Business (Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, or FEB) was established in accordance with Government Regulation no. 37 of September 18, 1957. The Faculty was initially a part of Universitas Merdeka under Yayasan Universitas Merdeka Bandung, established in 1952, before becoming part of Universitas Padjadjaran five years later under the name Faculty of Economics. In 2011, the name of the faculty was modified in order to make it a management and business school that can compete at an international standard, in line with Unpad’s goal to be a world-class university. 

Unpad FEB has now become one of the top faculties for economics and business education in Indonesia. The Faculty offers 18 highly accredited programs ranging from Vocational Programs to Doctoral programs. In total there are 4 Vocational Programs, 5 Bachelor’s Degree programs, 6 Master’s Degree programs, and 3 Doctoral programs on offer, differing in fields of study from economics and accounting, to marketing, business, and management. The Faculty also runs an accounting Professional Program, part of the requirements to become a professionally licensed accountant in Indonesia.

FEB’s vision is to become a leading school in economics and business at a national and international level. It aims to achieve the feat through transformative leadership supported by strong faculty management and an extensive institutional network.

Study Programs: 




  • E-Learning Studio
  • Multimedia Studio
  • Computer Lab
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