English Studies – S.Hum.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Cultural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in English Studies. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Humaniora (S.Hum.) title. The program has received an accreditation of A from BAN-PT, the highest grade awarded by the national body of higher education accreditation in Indonesia. The duration of the study is 8 semesters. The program is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.


The curriculum for the English Studies program at Universitas Padjadjaran is grouped into English Language Proficiency, Translation Expertise, and the two focuses of Linguistics and Literature from which a student may choose one to specialize in.

The English Language Proficiency section of the curriculum hones the student’s fluency in four language proficiency components, namely listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

The Translation Expertise section of the curriculum trains students in translating general, specific, and scientific texts from English to Indonesian and vice versa. This section of the curriculum also offers courses designed to enrich the student’s scientific understanding of translation, such as the Interpreting and Translation Studies courses.

In the 7th semester, students may choose courses which align with the specialization of their interest. In Linguistics, students are taught how to think logically and analytically by studying linguistic phenomena in English speaking communities. They do this by analyzing the utterances, structure, or meaning in the English used in, among other things, movies, talk shows, novels, magazines, newspapers, and/or conversations using linguistics-based methodologies, frameworks, and theories. Students who specialize in Linguistics are also expected to be adept at interdisciplinary research and methodologies.

The Literature specialization hones the students’ ability to analyze and interpret literary works in the English language from various genres by utilizing theories, methodologies, and approaches based in literary science, and to apply their studies to global sociocultural issues.

Career Prospects

Graduates of Unpad’s English Studies program have successfully built careers in many public and private institutions. The fields they enter also vary, including:

  • Language professional, as a copywriter, translator, or interpreter
  • Journalism, as an editor or reporter
  • Education, as an English language teacher or educator, both in formal education and non-formal education
  • Other strategic positions, as staff in a government institution or entrepreneur.*

Website: english.fib,unpad.ac.id