Computer Science – S.Kom.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in Computer Science (Teknik Informatika). Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Komputer (S.Kom.) title, equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree. The program has received the highest grade of accreditation, an A, from BAN-PT, Indonesia’s national accreditation body for higher education institutions. The duration of the program is 8 semesters, and is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

Unpad’s undergraduate program in Computer Science aims to produce graduates who are adept at comprehending, applying, and developing the knowledge contained within the field of computer science. The program focuses on advancing the student’s expertise within the main competency of Software Engineering, which includes 4 specializations, namely Information Systems, Computer Networking and Data Communication, Smart Systems and Computer Graphics, and Computation and Numerical Methods.

The program has continuously produced graduates who are proficient in the many aspects of computer science and engineering alongside their real-world applications. A graduate of the program should prove skillful in analyzing and applying their knowledge in fields such as software engineering, systems analysis, computer technology integration, web development, among many others.

Career Prospects

Graduates of Unpad’s undergraduate Computer Science program are qualified to work in many disciplines. A few have exemplified this by pursuing careers in:

  1. Database administration
  2. Data entry
  3. Hardware installation
  4. System administration
  5. Information management