Arabic Studies – S.Hum.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Cultural Sciences offers an undergraduate study program in Arabic Studies. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Humaniora (S.Hum.) title. The program has received the highest grade of accreditation of A from BAN-PT, Indonesia’s national accreditation body for higher education institutions. The program lasts for 8 semesters, and is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

sastra arab

Unpad’s Arabic Studies program is a leading, excellent, and innovative study program in the academics, research, and community service surrounding Arabic language, literature, and culture.

By utilizing the concepts of Competence-Based Curriculum (KBK), the qualities of Unpad’s Arabic Studies program not only lie in the students’ proficiency with written and spoken Arabic, but also in specializing in fields such as translation, Arabic text analysis, studying Arabic prose and poetry, calligraphy, entrepreneurship, cultural diplomacy, teaching, and studies on the local Sundanese culture.


The curriculum of the Arabic Studies program is designed to fulfil the upheld standards for graduate quality on a university, faculty, and study program level, with the required amount of credits (SKS) being 145 SKS in a duration of 7 semesters. Of the sum total, 14 SKS is acquired from university-wide mandatory courses, 10 SKS from courses provided by the faculty, and 121 SKS from courses a student could choose from their study program.

The program’s materials focuses in teaching and honing the skills of the students in spoken and written Arabic, Arabic morphology and syntax, linguistics, literature, and Arabic culture. Students of the program may specialize their studies in Islamic Studies, Indonesian – Arabic Translating and Interpreting and vice versa, Arabic Teaching, Calligraphy, and Diplomacy and Journalism.

Career Prospects

Graduates of Unpad’s Arabic Studies program possess strong foundational expertise, both theoretical and practical, in Arabic language, literature, and culture. They are also adept at translation, Arabic language teaching, Islamic studies, calligraphy, diplomacy, tourism, and entrepreneurship.

Graduates of the program have excelled academically through postgraduate study, advancing in linguistics, literature, and culture at renowned programs in Indonesia and abroad.

Graduates of the program have also built careers in translation, tourism (as tour guides or working for travel companies), diplomacy (such as working as embassy staff), civil service, politics, and teaching.

sastra arab
sastra arab