Agrotechnology – S.P.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Agriculture offers an undergraduate study program in Agrotechnology. Graduates of this program will attain the Sarjana Pertanian (S.P.) title. The program has received the highest accreditation from BAN-PT, the higher education accreditation body in Indonesia. The duration of the study is 8 semesters. The program is taught at the Jatinangor Campus in Sumedang.

Unpad’s undergraduate program in Agrotechnology focuses on ensuring the graduates’ excellence in productive, high quality, and efficient plant production. The program also offers thorough instruction in managing crops, soil, pest, disease, and weed, as well as agroecosystems in an integrated and sustainable way, all in an effort to cultivate safe and competitive products which cater to the needs of the customers. The program also strives to substantially contribute to solving common issues in agriculture, horticulture, seeding, and plantation management.

The undergraduate Agrotechnology program continuously updates its curriculum to constantly adapt and better fit the needs of the students, academia, and the agriculture sector. Furthermore, the program has adopted the standards of the Level 6 KKNI (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia), which places its graduates on equal footing with those from other countries.

In an effort to produce graduates who excel in competitiveness and expertise in the field of agrotechnology, as well as posses outstanding soft skills, the program has applied an active learning methodology since 2008. By applying active learning, the students are encouraged to independently develop their potentials in order to be able to identify, critique, analyze the material taught, and formulate alternative solutions to issues in their field. The learning outcome of this approach is for the students to adeptly fulfill the needs of the industry, people, and country.

Career Prospects

Graduates of Unpad’s undergraduate Agrotechnology program are well equipped to work as:

  1. Entrepreneur, both in the agricultural or food sector or otherwise;
  2. Professional consultant in the field of agriculture, horticulture, or environmental science;
  3. Worker in the food, livestock feed, or bioenergy industry;
  4. Part of the multinational seed, fertilizer, pesticide, or agrochemical industry;
  5. Facilitator at NGOs concerned with agriculture’
  6. Researcher at government institutions;
  7. Academic and researcher at higher education or research institutions;
  8. Management of private or state parks;