Three Unpad Visiting Lecturers in Universty of Tokyo

[, 4/03/2013] Internationalizati programs that Unpad has been conducting receive positive responses from universities abroad. Numerous achievements have been scored in many occassions, one of which is request for visiting lecturers and researchers.

Left to right: Budhi Gunawan, M.A., Ph.D, Sunardi, M.Si., Ph.D, Parikesit, M.Sc., Ph.D *

In the beginning of 2013, as part of the Memorandum of Understanding between Unpad and University of Tokyo (UT), the UT invited three Unpad lecturers to conduct academic and scientific activities. The lecturers are  Parikesit, M.Sc., Ph.D., from the Biology Department, to teach Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Agricultural Landscape of Monsoon Asia di Department of Ecosystem Studies, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences for seven months; Budhi Gunawan, M.A., Ph.D., from the Anthropology Department, to teach human relation and environment in the Department of Human Ecology, School of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine UT and in Laboratory of Human Ecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan, from January 22 to March 3, 2013; and  Sunardi, M.Si., Ph.D., from the Biology Department, to conduct research in the Department of International Studies, Faculty of Frontier Sciences UT from February 25  to March 1m 2013.

The three lecturers, who also teach at the Magister and Doctoral Program for Environmental Science (PSMIL), will also have talks with UT professors on program improvements and future partnership possibilities. The talks cover funding schemes by Unpad and DIKTI which will enhance further cooperation in education, research, and research-based teaching. According to the MoU, the focus will still be on joint proposals and joint research followed by joint publication for international peer-reviewed journals with emphasis on equality principles.

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