Prof. Dr. H. Rustam E. Siregar, “Lecturers are not responsible only for teaching but also for shaping character”

[, 22/02/2013] University lecturers should not only attend class and teach but also develop skills and shape characters in order to advance the intellectual life of the people. That is the very philosophy that Prof. Dr. H. Rustam Siregar, professor in the faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unpad, has been holding.

In his opinion when giving his retirement speech, a university lecturer must possess strong characteristics consisting of talent, commitment, and ideals. Talent is a gift from God that enables human beings to be creative and optimize their potentials. And talent should be implemented with full commitment. The two must be combined with strong ideals that will eventually lead to excellence in academic competence for all.

“A lecturer should also be able to implement the three duties of lecturers, not only for themselves or their universities, but also for the nation,” said he who was born in Hutagadong, North Sumatera, January 3, 1943.

Unpad Rector, Prof. Ganjar Kurnia, admitted that Prof. Rustam has made great accomplishment. He managed to become a university professor without simply minding his structural position. What’s more, he can maintain his good physical condition despite the age. He continued by asking Prof. Rustam to still participate in contributing to the development of knowledge in Unpad, particularly in the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences.

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