The Number One Killer: Coronary Heart Disease

[,12/02/2013] Heart disease is one deadly disease which most often overlook. Chest pain is considered very lightly, one symptom of common cold.

Dr. A. Fauzi Yahya, Sp.JP(K)., FIHA., speaking on heart disease before Unpad Dharma Wanita members (Photo: Tedi Yusup)*

Coronary Intervention surgeon, in the Cardiology and Vascular Department, Faculty of Medicine Unpad, Dr. A. Fauzi Yahya, Sp.JP(K)., FIHA., claimed that “most patients did not take the symptom seriously. They only found out that they had heart problem once it attacked and got them hospitalized,” said he when speaking in a seminar organized Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unpad on Tuesday (12.02) in the Dharma Wanita office in Jatinangor.

Yahya argued that heart is the most sophisticated god-given organ. With the size of a human fist, heart consists of amazing components that enabled blood to pumped and distribute oxygen in our body. When this organ experiences trouble, it will try to overcome the problem by sending signals that the only the body can feel. The signals comprise chest pain, pain in the arm, jaw, and neck pain, and sweat as well as troubled breathing. Those are the signals that people often take very lightly.

Heart disease consists of several types, namely Angina pectoris, Congestive heart failure, Cardiomyopathy, Congenital heart disease, Arrhythmias, Myocarditis. Heart disease can be anticipated effectively by recognizing the entire symptoms that may occur and live a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy diet, control emotion, and exercise.


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