Address: Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor 45363
Phone: (+62) 22 84288890

Dean: Dr. Ir. Meddy Rachmadi, M.P.
Vice Dean 1: Dr. Ahmad Choibar Tridakusumah, S.P., M.P.
Vice Dean 2: Dr. Rija Sudirja, S.P., M.T.

Universitas Padjadjaran’s Faculty of Agriculture (Fakultas Pertanian, or Faperta) Universitas Padjadjaran was officially established on September 1, 1959. This faculty is highly committed to contributing to the development of the agricultural sector in Indonesia. Initially, the faculty was located at Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 37 Bandung, with the classes being spread all over campus grounds. Later on, the Faperta moved to Unpad’s Jatinangor campus in September 1986.

The Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Padjadjaran offers a variety of study programs, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and vocational programs. The study programs are set to develop the productivity, quality, and efficiency of the nation’s agriculture sector, as well as to support its sustainability.  To maintain and improve the quality of education and research, the faculty is currently collaborating with numerous universities and institutions, both public and private, on the national and international stage. 

The alumni of the Faculty of Agriculture are proven to not only be successful in the field of agriculture as well. They are also capable of competing in several other fields, as there are plenty of alumni who are entrusted with honorable positions in many public and private institutions.

The Faculty of Agriculture puts particular focus on the sustainable productivity of the agriculture sector, internationally recognized innovations and graduates, as well as partnerships, societal contributions, and excellent management supporting the Faculty’s advancement. Everything is done to fulfill Faperta’s vision in becoming an internationally renowned and societally impactful school of agriculture.

Study Programs:




The faculty provides various laboratories to facilitate students, faculty members, and researchers in its field. These laboratories are established in order to help improve the students’ competence in applying their theoretical knowledge into practice, as well as to become the research center for the faculty members of the Faculty of Agriculture.

The laboratories in the Faculty of Agriculture include:

  • Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory
  • Pest and Plant Disease Laboratory
  • Plant Analysis Laboratory
  • Soil Science Laboratory
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