Certification as Proof of Qualification for Indonesian Social Workers

[Unpad.ac.id, 05/12/2012] Social welfare recognizes marginal groups referring to a group of society whose social, economic, and political rights are deprived. Social workers should serve to eliminate the widespread of such social groups.

Dr. Adang Setiana, M.Sc., Deputy of Social Protection and People’s Housing, the Ministry of Welfare when speaking at the national seminar of social worker 2012 in Unpad on Wednesday (05/12)

“In overcoming poverty and addressing the increasing number of marginal groups we have yet to involve social workers. Should they be involved, there will be changes in policies and stresses in human approach,” said Dr. Adang Setiana, Deputy of Social Protection and People’s Housing, the Ministry of Welfare when speaking at the national seminar of social worker 2012 in Unpad on Wednesday (05/12).

The ministry of social affairs as the national body assigned to overcome marginal group issues defines the marginal groups as groups with welfare challenges (PMKS). They cannot afford to build socially harmonious interaction with their environment and cannot effectively meet their life demands.

Setiana stresses the importance of anticipatory program to overcome the issues of marginal groups through the participation of social workers. One important aspect of the social worker is their professional commitment in carrying out their social function when dealing with the marginal groups.

“Unfortunately, several problems might get in the way. Firstly, the government has yet to provide the right opportunity. Secondly, social welfare graduates are not necessarily competent in specializing social issues,” added he.

Responding to that, Rudi Saprudin Darwis, the head of certification body for professional social workers, argues that a great number of social workers have actually been involved in dealing with social issues. They are, however, have not been professionally acknowledged.

Therefore, as of November 29, 2012, the minister of social affairs has begin the certification process for all Indonesian social workers. This certification is important to give acknowledgement for the competence and qualification that social workers possess.  This certification goes to professional social workers with professional backgrounds and to those who have yet to have any professional backgrounds.

The national seminar, bringing a theme Social Worker for Nation, Responding National Social-Issues, is organized in two days and presents speakers from the ministry of social affairs, Indonesian Social Worker Consortium, and Indonesian Professional Social Worker (IPSPI) and Social Worker Certification Body.

The seminar includes panel sessions where participants can also present heir papers on Child Welfare, Physical and Mental Welfare, Senior Citizen Welfare, Community Empowerment, Disaster Management, Social Entrepreneurship, and CSR K3.

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