Dahlan Iskan, “It is about the time that the government provides social security service in accordance with BPJS law”

[Unpad.ac.id, 23/11/2012] The state minister of State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Dahlan Iskan gives a positive respond toward the law number 24 year 2011 on Social Security Organizing Body (BPJS) to be put into effect in 2014. According to him, it is about the time that the state provides social security which is in accordance with the aforementioned regulation.

Dahlan Iskan (left) with a participant at the seminar “Harmonisasi Akademisi-Bisnis-Pemerintah dalam Mewujudkan MDGs di Sektor Kesehatan: Apoteker Praktek Profesional yang Ditunggu Negara” (Photo: Dadan T)

“I am fully aware that BPJS is potentially rewarding. It is about the time that the government provides such service” says Dahlan when speaking at the national seminar and public lecture on Creating Harmony among Academician, Business Practitioners, and the Government held to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of Pharmacy Department in Aula Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata on Friday (23/12).

The regulation has gone through several heated debates and polemics for it betrays the society by imposing them to pay what they are supposed to receive without having to pay. It implies that all Indonesian citizens have to spend expenses in order to gain social security.

Dahlan responds to such polemics fairly. “There have been some gaps. To get we need requires necessary sacrifices. We want to be free, we do not want our freedom to be disturbed,” says he.

Similarly responding to the implementation of the BPJS law, the vice minister of health, Ali Ghufron Mukti sees it as a benefit for the world of pharmacy. The Indonesian people deserve to have proper health care. What’s more, works on developing raw ingredients for medical needs and drugs that cost approximately 1 billion US dollars will be fruitful. “Approximately 60 pharmaceutical products failed. But, we shall no longer be worried for this social security service will assure the pharmaceutical world that buyers will always be available,” says he.

He continues by saying that pharmacists should be advantaged by the implementation of the law. “The pharmacists should think about their position in the future, which means that you should be constructive and give inputs to the head of BPJS who will eventually determine your well being.”

Accompanying Dahlan Iskan and Ali Ghufron in the seminar are several stakeholders, one of whom is the director of PT Askes Dr. I Gede Subawa, M.Kes, AAAK.

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