[Unpad.ac.id, 18/11/2012] Entering its 55th anniversary, Unpad has become even more committed to developing community based science, which is evident in an event entitled Unpad Berbagi, Unpad Shares with the society on last Saturday and Sunday in the affiliated village Majasih, Sliyeg Sub-district, Indramayu. Unpad organized oral health check, waste management seminar, people’s stage, free medical examination, and inexpensive staple bazaar.

Students of SDN Majasih 2 learning to brush their teeth correctly (Photo: Arif Maulana)

On the first day at SDN Majasih 2, elementary students of SDN Majasih, 1, 2 and 3 were so eager to take part even though the event had yet to be started. They became more excited as Unpad dentistry students gave away tooth brushes and tubes of tooth paste. They taught the students on the importance of brushing their teeth at least twice a day and on the correct way of how to brush them.

Teaching them how to do it was not an easy task. Some hurt their gums for they brushed their teeth a little bit too strong, yet they were still excited. “The toothpaste tastes good,” said one student.

The principal of SDN Majasih 2, H. Kasanudin, expressed his gratitude for such event would encourage the students to be able to maintain their environment and body healthy. “In our school, Unpad is the first institution that is willing to organize such event. Other institutions went only to the distance where they simply gave counseling. Hopefully, this will be made routine in order to make our students remain encouraged to maintain their health and to get to know Unpad even better,” said he.

In the following day, free medical checkup and staple bazaar received similarly great enthusiasm from the villagers. Ardi Ardiyana, the organizer of the events, admitted that as many as 320 villagers took part in the events. Most who came for the medical checkup were the elderly. As for those who went to bazaar, they purchased as many as 249 bags. The money that the committee made was given back to the community and donated to local mosques that also received praying hijab and sarong, 66 and 20 pieces respectively.

In collaboration with Rumah Zakat, Unpad also gave away 2000 cans of corned beef, 1600 of which were donated to villagers of Majasih, the remainder was donated to Longok village.

This program, according to the head of Research and Community Service Department, Wawan Hermawan, is to be held annually. Campuses should no longer serve as ivory tower “It is one means to bring us closer to the society. It has to be sustainable. Next year, we’re going to hold similar event in the same location so that progress will be measurable,” said he when observing the event together with his secretary, Sondi Kuswayan, and the head of Scientific Week, Dwi Purnomo.

The program is the very first program that resulted from cooperation among the student executive body, LPPM, and the office of student affairs. It comprises teaching, research, and community service which supposedly go hand in hand.

From the perspective of the students themselves, Ardiyana admitted that there was a special kind of excitement when students could be directly involved with the society and able to share with them.


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