Kampus Fakultas Hukum Unpad, Jatinangor. (Foto: Tedi Yusup)*

[unpad.ac.id, 1/24/2019] The Faculty of Law of Unpad (FH Unpad) has a new facility located in Building 3 of the Jatinangor campus, namely the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Room, Auditorim Tommy Koh-Mochtar Kusumaatdja, and Aryasena Satria Moot Court Room Ajie Kolopaking (ASAK). The three new facilities were inaugurated on Thursday (1/24).

The Faculty of Law of Unpad in Jatinangor has three new academic facilities to support lecture process. Three facilities consisting of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Room, Auditorim Tommy Koh-Mochtar Kusumaatdja, and Moot Court Aryasena Satria Ajie Kolopaking (ASAK) Room were inaugurated on Thursday (24/1). (Photo: Tedi Yusup) *

“The inauguration event that we are having today is exactly proof that good collaboration, relationship, and networking are essential in overcoming challenges and limitations. The establishment of three new rooms in this building would not have been possible without generous and continued supports from our partners and alumni,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Law Unpad Prof. Dr. An An Chandrawulan, SH, LLM.

The PBL Room was built with support from Nuffic, a program from the Netherlands to support international higher education, in collaboration with the Dutch Embassy for Indonesia and Maastricht University, the Netherlands. The inaugurated PBL Room consists of 10 rooms, also equipped with discussion rooms for students and lecturers.

Meanwhile, the Tommy Koh-Mochtar Kusumaatdja Auditorium was the result of collaboration between Unpad and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and academic-diplomat from Singapore, Tommy Koh. In 2017, Tommy Koh received the Mochtar Kusumaatmadja Award from Unpad for his contribution in the field of international law.

“Following the conferral, Professor Koh generously donated the prize to build the auditorium.”

The Moot Court ASAK Room facility is a donation from Unpad Faculty of Law alumni, Dr. Anita Kolopaking. The name Ajie Kolopaking was taken from the name of his deceased son who is also an alumnus of FH Unpad. Ajie is known as a smart student and really likes the Moot Court competition. Prof. An An hopes that this new Moot Court room can inspire and motivate students to display the best in every Moot Court competition.

On this occasion, Vice Rector for Finance and Resources Prof. Arief Sjamsulaksan Kartasasmita, dr., Sp.M. (K), M. Kes., Ph.D., hoped that the new facility will add a good academic atmosphere in Unpad. He also appreciated the good collaboration from various stakeholders to produce the three new facilities.

“We believe that universities cannot live alone in developing all of their activities. So that the merger of all existing stakeholders is a very important thing that we can do in ensuring the creation of academic quality at Universitas Padjadjaran,” said Prof. Arief.

Prof. Arief also hoped that in the future collaboration will continue to be better and bring benefits to all parties.

During the inauguration, the Vice Rector for Research, Community Engagement, Cooperation, and Academic Corporations, Dr. Keri Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt., also attended the event and number of FH Unpad academics and staffs.

This event was also attended by the representatives of the Dutch Embassy to Indonesia Brechtje Klandermans, Director of Nuffic Neso Indonesia Peter Van Tuijl, Director of the Maastricht University Center for International Cooperation in Academic Development (Mundo) Han Aarts, and Dr. Anita Kolopaking. *


Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / am | Translated by dfa

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