Social Interaction is still Needed in the Digital Era

[, 31/12/2018] In the Industrial Era 4.0, special efforts are needed to prepare a new generation that is ready to face it. The various facilities offered by technology today make people less interacting through face to face, so that it can cause problems in the psychological aspects.

Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Unpad, Prof. Dr. Tb. Zulrizka Iskandar was the keynote speaker at the “I & Revolution 4.0, My Dream My Future” Seminar held by the Psychology Service and Innovation Bureau (BPIP) Unpad at Bale Rumawat, Unpad, 35 Dipati Ukur Street, Bandung, Friday (12/28). (Photo: Tedi Yusup) *

“After all, humans are social beings who need interaction. I think that in the future there will be many people who face stress problems,” said Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, Unpad, Prof. Dr. Tb. Zulrizka Iskandar as a keynote speaker at the “I & Revolution 4.0, My Dream My Future” Seminar held by the Psychology Service and Innovation Bureau (BPIP) Unpad in Bale Rumawat, Unpad, 35 Dipati Ukur Street, Bandung, Friday (12/28).

Many pressures in life are getting stronger, competition is getting higher, and the fewer direct interaction with humans is a challenge for humans in the industrial era 4.0. If we are not ready, stress level will increase.

Meanwhile, Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology of Unpad Eka Riyanti Purboningsih, S.Psi, M.Psi said that technology is one of the big factors that affect human life today. According to her, changes in the social environment caused by technology can affect the social interaction of the community.

“Interactions are changing because technology is likely to change social identity,” Eka said.

Eka explained, in every generation, from baby boomers to alpha generation, they have different characteristics. However, in every era, there are similar characteristics of human being.

Eka explained, in order to have a well-being condition in the industrial era 4.0, besides requiring digital literacy and digital safety, it also requires caring. Eka emphasized that although technology is increasingly sophisticated, the need to interact directly with humans is still needed.

High concern for each other is needed in social interaction. Based on her research, addiction to technology resulted in someone not caring about the environment and vice versa.

“Touch with other people, likes or loves is the biggest contribution to someone’s happiness,” She said.

The event also presented a number of speakers namely Unpad Director of Governance and Public Communication Aulia Iskandarsyah, M.Psi., MSc., PhD, Rector of the Pradita Institute Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit, and Chairperson of the ITB Visual Communication Design Study Program Dr. Diamond Rizky Mutiaz. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / am | Translated by dfa

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