Tasty and Healthy, Unpad Students Processed Hanjeli Become Steamed Brownies

[unpad.ac.id, 11/15/2018] Three students of the Faculty of Agriculture Technology (FTIP) of Unpad, Dea Annisa Annas, Mia Azizah Muzaki, and Petrus Siahaan, developed hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi) into steamed brownies. Besides it tastes good, these brownies are also healthy.

Left to right: three students from the Faculty of Agriculture Industrial Technology of Unpad, Dea Annisa Annas, Petrus Siahaan, and Mia Azizah Muzaki, processed hanjeli into steamed brownies. (Photo: Tedi Yusup) *

“We made brownies from hanjeli flour. Usually brownies are made from wheat flour, but we use hanjeli flour,” Petrus said when met at the Unpad Public Relations Room, Jatinangor campus Unpad Rector Building, Tuesday (11/13).

Furthermore, he explained, hanjeli is one of the local foods that Indonesian people have begun to forget. Through these brownie products, they want to lift hanjeli into snacks that people like. According to them, hanjeli has many health benefits.

“So this hanjeli has high protein levels, high calcium, and non-gluten,” said Dea.

Not only people who are less interested in consuming hanjeli, there are still few farmers who want to plant hanjeli because they are considered less profitable. Through this brownie product, the three students also wanted to motivate farmers to want to plant hanjeli.

At present, the hanjeli used by Peter and the team in making brownies comes from Sukajadi Village, Wado District, Sumedang Regency. They also embrace the women’s farmer groups in the village to cultivate hanjeli so that it has added value.

In line with that, the head of the Sukajadi Village Women’s Farmers Group turned out to have the same desire with Petrus, Dea, and Mia, namely to increase the interest of the community to consume hanjeli. Finally, they collaborated to make hanjeli become steamed brownies, a snack that was loved by all levels of society.

They used the research as a thesis material, with a different focus on the problem between Peter, Dea, and Mia. Since April 2018, the three students agreed to run the “Hanjeli Bakery” business. Hanjeli Bakery also had several times to take part in food exhibitions to socialize their products to the wider community.

Their journey to run this business is not easy. There are still many people who are reluctant to taste their brownies because they feel unfamiliar with hanjeli. In fact, even for free, many refused.

Product development continues. Now, more and more people are interested and even become regular customers of hanjeli brownies. Some customers even come from outside Java, such as Bali and Lombok. Hanjeli Bakery also opens opportunities for those who are interested in becoming a reseller.

These hanjeli brownies can be ordered via Instagram @hanjelibakery_ or Line: @ wqf8597y. Hanjeli Brownies has several choices of interesting toppings, such as cheese, almonds, and chocolate.

“Hopefully we can have our own shop in the future. People also become more familiar with hanjeli from our products,” hoped Petrus. *


Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / am | Translated by dfa

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