SAR of Unpad Deployed Personnels and Distributed Aid to Palu and Surroundings

[, 10/14/2018] The Search and Rescue Unit (SAR) of Unpad sent its personnels to assist in the evacuation and recovery of affected areas in Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi, from 30 September to 11 October.

Fikri M. Nur Zaman (second from right), Unpad Informatics Engineering student who is also a member of Unpad SAR unit when distributing aid to disaster victims in Palu and surrounding areas. *

Fikri M. Nur Zaman, Unpad Informatics Engineering student who was deployed helped other personnel and volunteers. There were two missions carried out by Fikri, namely conducting search operations and evacuating affected victims, and distributing aid coordinated by the SAR Unpad Disaster Management Center.

To Unpad PR, Fikri said, he coordinated directly with the Palu National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) in conducting search and rescue operations in the affected area. He himself conducted a search and evacuation operation in the Balaroa National Park area, one of the areas affected by the liquefaction shortly after the earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale, on last 28 September.

“The impact caused by liquefaction is ‘annihilation’ in the housing, due to unstable land conditions, then the collapse of the houses there. Therefore, the joint SAR team must always apply safety procedures to carry out its humanitarian mission, “wrote Fikri.

Fikri himself conducted an operation at Balaroa on 2 to 7 October. This housing has become the worst affected area because there are at least 1,747 houses destroyed. This caused the discovery and evacuation of victims to be very high in intensity.

After the operation mission was completed, Fikri then distributed aid collected from all elements of Unpad community. The donation collected for around Rp.41 million was then spent to buy some basic ingredients, including mineral water, groceries, baby milk.

The logistics spending process must be carried out by Fikri in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on October 8. This was due to the absence of a shop around Palu that was able to provide large amounts of assistance. The distribution itself was facilitated by the Bosowa Peduli team. *


Release / am | Translated by dfa

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