“Transpreneurship” Became a Necessity in the Era of Global Change

[unpad.ac.id, 08/31/2018] Rising challenges at the global level encouraged science to move faster. Various research activities carried out were expected to be streamlined into a product that was able to overcome these challenges.

President Director of PT. Bio Farma M. Rahman Roestan (left) with Unpad Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad in Riung Karsa discussion at the Bale Rumawat Unpad, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Friday (31/8). (Photo: Tedi Yusup) *

Unpad Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad said, Unpad academics had been encouraged to develop multi-collaboration patterns to transdisciplinary. This is based on the necessity that facing the complexity of the problem cannot be faced alone.

“Academics cannot move on their own, because the end of the impact is in the community,” said the Rector in a Riung Karsa discussion at the Bale Rumawat Unpad, Dipati Ukur Street No. 35, Bandung, Friday (31/8).

Riung Karsa discussion this time was delivered by the President Director of PT. Bio Farma M. Rahman Roestan, representative of PT. Cendo Pharmaceutical Industri Nuning Nurcahyani, President Commissioner of PT. Bintangraya Lokalestari Dhanny Handoko, and Chairman of the Unpad Business Incubation Center (Oorange) Diana Sari, PhD.

For this reason, a cross-sectoral approach has become a necessity. In this trans collaboration, in addition to research and producing products, another approach that must be coordinated is the business and communication in the community through the role of the media.

However, the Rector emphasized that this trans sectoral approach must be able to bring prosperity to the community. “It is not possible for this coordination if the end does not have a business attitude. This business means that it has benefits to community welfare,” said the Rector.

Unpad, continued the Chancellor, has initiated Pentahelix cooperation activities involving multisector. This initiation was realized through the establishment of special institutions, one of them was the Unpad Business Incubation Center (Oorange).

The Rector said, this incubation center serves to bridge the complexity of the problems that occur in the community through multisector collaboration. Hopefully, various ideas emerge and can respond to these various problems through entrepreneurial incubation.

From these efforts, the term “Transpreneurship” was born, or the development of the entrepreneurship sector through a cross-sectoral approach. Through this concept, entrepreneurship is not only developed by industry or business actors, but also involves the government, academics, society, and the media.

Boosts Economy

From the point of view of industry players, M. Rahman Roestan said, the industrial sector has an interest in collaborating with academics to produce research based products. However, this process has a long effort and must be well guarded.

For example, in the field of herbal products, Indonesia has the potential to develop various derivative products from its biodiversity. Rahman said, there is a tendency of future world to enter the biological era. This means that world competition in this sector will be increasingly tight.

Rahman encouraged researchers at this time to change their paradigm. Research activities are not solely for publication purposes, but focus on outcomes that can be useful in the community.

This collaboration is expected to improve Indonesia’s economic sector. The government has responded through various steps to improve the economic sector of a region. One of the steps taken was to form a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in various regions.

The Rector said, Unpad had been involved in the development of SEZs in Cikidang and Cibadak Districts in Sukabumi. By cooperating with PT. Bintangraya Lokalestari as the manager of Sukabumi SEZ, Unpad is expected to develop various innovation products in the region.

Furthermore, Dhanny explained, the main concept of the development of Sukabumi SEZ is to develop sustainable ecosystems based on science and technology. Various innovations from Unpad are expected to grow and be useful. *


Report by Arief Maulana | Translated by dfa

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