President Joko Widodo: University is Front-Runner in Anticipating Nation Changes

[, 11/09/2017] President of Indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo invited Universitas Padjadjaran to anticipate various matters related to global change. Today, the world is facing rapid global challenges.

President of Indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo delivered his oration during Main Event of Universitas Padjadjaran 60th Dies Natalis in Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Monday (11/09). (Photo: Tedi Yusup)*

“University has to be the most prepared in facing changes,” said President when delivering his oration during Main Event of Unpad 60th Dies Natalis in Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Monday (11/09).

One of the anticipations University may hold is daring to change. President explained, there is almost no change during years of scientific progress provided in University. If we take a look at global changes, scientific orientation must adjust too.

He cited study programs at Faculty of Economics and Business as an example. He suggested that the programs must accommodate global trends and needs. “Faculty of Economics, for instance, should provide logistics management, retail management, and online store study programs, since economic products have changed by now,” said President.

Information flow being swift in social media is one example of change we have to anticipate. The rapidity and transparency of various information in social media have defeated the speed of main source. Therefore, university, including Unpad, is pushed to prepare certain study programs related to social media.

“This is university’s role, to prepare human resources to compete in global competition. Otherwise, it may be dangerous,” he said.

Furthermore, President revealed, management of social media is considered to be important now, considering the assumption of social media being social interaction space either in the present or the future. These particular study programs are expected to manage society to be wise in utilizing social media.


Preparing Generation’s Character

It is estimated that in the following 5-10 years, Indonesia generation will be filled with Y and millennial generation, experts said. These generation will hold significant key in national development.

As the third largest country in the world, in terms of internet user, Indonesian people and government have to intervene technology use, so that it will correspond with the established corridor. Deviant information will affect sociocultural condition of the nation.

President mentioned that mistaken information will shape society to be easily provoked. “People are easily manipulated with false and hoax news. Thus, university as front-runner has to cooperate with government in anticipating matters related to that,” said President.

Through character building, such as integrity, honesty, work ethic, anti-corruption, tolerance, and unity is required to be given to students. Students, President added, have to be fortified to prevent them being easily provoked by the rapidity of information flow in internet.

In his work visit to Unpad, President accompanied by Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad also surveyed Infrastructure Development Photo Exhibition which was held due to cooperation between Unpad and Ministry of Communication and Information as well as The Committee for Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Delivery (KPPIP).

Besides delivering his oration, President also received Anugrah Padjadjaran Utama award from Rector. After delivering his oration, President had a chance to lead zuhur prayer in Al Jihad Mosque, Unpad Campus, and continued his work agenda in Bandung.


Reported by Arief Maulana

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