Channeling Spirit of Entrepreneurship, Student of FTIP Opened “Cafeein” on Campus

[, 13/12/2016] As one of the activities of student entrepreneurship, a number of students of the Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology (FTIP) Unpad formed “Cafeein” located in Building Agricultural Industrial Technology, Ex Pedca Utara, Jatinangor. Cafeein is a student cafe-style as a place not only to buy food and drinks, but also a place to gather and exchange ideas between students, faculty, and educators in Unpad.

Para mahasiswa FTIP Unpad, pengelola Cafeein (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
The students of FTIP Unpad, managers of Cafeein (Photo by Tedi Yusup) *

Owner and managers of Cafeein are Emilda Ayu Febrianti, Laisa R. Y. Aritonang, Erin Nur Fitriani, Nabilla Saptaryana, Arip Rahman Jaya, Andri Fauzi Ramlan, Belladina Anggun Kinanti, M. Fauzi, and Ramadhoni H. Students of Study Program Agricultural Industrial Technology forming The Local Enablers in in 2015 has officially opened Cafeein since Monday (6/12).

Initially, the entrepreneurial activity is to make products Mango Sticky Rice. Then, they decided to open a special place to sell their flagship product, besides also selling other food and beverage products. Cafeein was made as comfortable as possible for Unpad academic community as gathering place with the theme “modern traditional”.

Through Cafeein, these students want to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship to the entire academic community of Unpad. Cafeein is also an opportunity for the academic community Unpad who want to join in their business activities, including sharing knowledge about entrepreneurship, especially by empowering people participated.

“From this process we can inspire our friends. That’s our goal, to let friends contracted spirit and also able to practice entrepreneurship. We also want to make it as a center for people to gather. They can share here in shared fun,” said Arip.

cafein-ftip-tediNot only that, by joining in Cafeein consumers can also contribute to the empowerment of local people, as one of the basic concepts of The Local enablers is the involvement of local communities and spread the value of benefits in every business.

“We also sell products that are members of the Local enablers, and a lot of stories that were there, we empower people about what it is like,” said Erin.

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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