Unpad Encouraged Ormawa To Compose Achievement-Based Work Program

[Unpad.ac.id, 7/12/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran through the Directorate of Education and Student Affairs encouraged student organizations (Ormawa) to prepare university level work plan to be included in the working agenda of the university in 2017. This work program is expected to be not only routine activity, but also able to provide support of Unpad achievement Unpad.

Direktur Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan Unpad, Prof. Dr. Reiza D. Dienaputra, M.Hum., saat memberi arahan pada Focus Group Discussion yang diikuti perwakilan BEM, BPM, dan Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) tingkat universitas dan fakultas, di Aula Gedung PPBS Unpad Jatinangor, Rabu (7/12). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)* Director of Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Reiza Dienaputra D., M. Hum., giving directives on the Focus Group Discussion followed by representatives of BEM, BPM, and Student Activity Unit (UKM) of university and faculty level, in the Hall PPBS Building Jatinangor, Wednesday (7/12). (Photo by Tedi Yusup) */caption]

Director of Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Reiza Dienaputra D., M. Hum., said that achievement-based work program is expected to bring forth the name of Unpad nationally and internationally. It was delivered by Prof. Reiza through events of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) attended by representatives of BEM, BPM, and Student Activity Unit (UKM) university and faculty level, in the Hall PPBS Building Jatinangor, Wednesday (7/12).

“We facilitate Ormawa so that they can mature in an achievement-based work program. Hopefully, by the time they go to the competition/race, they were there not as participation, but to compete, “said Prof. Reiza on the sidelines of the implementation of the FGD.

Professor of FIB Unpad said that work program has to be maintained by all the student organizations. It signifies sustainability of the organization’s activities in the years to come. Implementation of this program of work also affects the achievement of Universitas Padjadjaran IKK.

Therefore, said Prof. Reiza, work programs need to be made very carefully based on projections of future results. As such, this program is not an arbitrary program, but a measurable, and capable of empowering the implementing organization, and budgeted.

With this FGD it aims to provide an understanding the mechanisms related to the preparation of the work program to members of the student organization. Prof. Reiza argued, the many students do not know how a program is made so far, particularly with regard to the aspects of planning and finance.

ormawa-1-tediFrom the records of the Directorate of Education and Student Affairs, many proposals went beyond the budgeted program at the university. Whereas in the context of the financial system, all activities implemented university should have entered into the program of work per year.

“It is important to properly prepare activities in 2017, for these activities to be better, scalable, and contributive to what the KPI-IKK Unpad,” explained Prof. Reiza.

Prof. Reiza has targetted, on Friday (9/12), that every student organizations can report on university-level work plan for 2017. “Although time is tight, we are optimistic to take advantage of 2 days,” said Prof. Reiza.

For the students to better understand the work related to the preparation program, the FGD also invited the Director of Planning and Information Systems Unpad, Irvan Afriandi, dr., Grad. Dipl. OEH., MPH., Dr.PH., and Director of Finance and Logistics Padjadjaran, Edi Jaenudin, S.E., Ak., M.Sc., to speak in terms of planning relevant programs and student activities as well as how the budgeting and financial management. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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