Unpad Introduces Archive Retention Schedule and Getar Pikat Program

[Unpad.ac.id, 2/12/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran is ready to implement Archive Retention Schedule (JRA) in accordance with Law No. 43/2009 Article 1 Paragraph (22) on Archives. The Act states that the implementation of JRA is required for the state agencies, local governments, educational institutions, companies, political organizations, community organizations, and individuals.

Sosialisasi JRA dan Gerakan Tertib Arsip Sebagai Pilar Akuntabilitas (Getar Pikat) Unpad, di Bale Rucita Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor, Jumat (2/12). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Socialisation of JRA and Archive Solicitation as Pillar for Accountability (Gerakan Tertib Arsip Sebagai Pilar Akuntabilitas-Getar Pikat) in Bale Rucita Jatinangor, Friday (2/12). (Photo by Dadan T.) *

Head of Technical Implementation Unit for Archives, Prof. Dr. H. Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor, M. Hum., said that Unpad has prepared for the program for a long time, but an official permission from the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) must be issued first.

“In July this year, we received permission from ANRI to implement JRA,” said Prof. Nandang when delivering a presentation in Socialization of JRA and Getar Pikat, Universitas Padjadjaran, in Bale Rucita Jatinangor, Friday (2/12).

The event was held by Technical Implementation Unit for Archives Unpad, participated by heads of divisions and subdivisions, archivists, and archivist candidates in Unpad. Also present were Vice Rector of Resources and Governance, Dr. Sigid Suseno, M. Hum., And Director of Governance and Public Communication/Head of International Office Unpad, Ade Kadarisman, S. Sos., MT, M.Sc.

Before getting permission from ANRI, Unpad has initiated by issuing three Rector Regulations in 2015 related to the implementation of the JRA, ie PR No. 6, 7, and 8 in 2015. After the enactment of the regulations, the Archives Unit then submitted the request for permissions to ANRI around July 2015. A year later, ANRI’s permit was finally issued for Unpad.

Furthermore, Prof. Nandang said that Unpad is at least one step ahead in implementing JRA. It is raised in a meeting between ANRI and 11 state universities with legal-based status some time ago. During the meeting, Unpad was the only institution obtained permission from ANRI for the implementation of JRA.

“We managed to receive to official permission by providing requirements such as official scripts, JRA, records classification, and classification of security and access records. These four points have been regulated with Rector Regulations, “said Prof. Nandang.

On the basis of Law No. 43/2009, it is stated that JRA is a list that contains at least a period of storage or retention, archive types, and information as recommendation for which kind of archives to be destroyed, revalued, or stored used as a guideline for archive depreciation and retrieve.

In other words, JRA is a contraction activity of institutional records. Prof. Nandang explained that it is carried out with attention to an archive to determine whether it is to be moved to the record center, destroyed, or permanently handed over to the archive institution.

It is also further stated that the implementation of JRA in Unpad includes Substantive JRA and Facilitative JRA. The Substantive encompasses various activities related to records on the university’s three main functions, while the Facilitative covers those related to official and institutional records.

“The legal aspect of these regulations is sufficient. All we have to do is to play along,” said Prof. Nandang.

When opening the event, Dr. Sigid said that the archival activity has been one focus in accordance with the mandate of the Act. Many institutions still have not seen this as priority. With the application of e-Office, said Dr. Sigid, Unpad should more easily archive the documents. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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