University Laboratory Has the Potential to Become An Academic Corporation

[, 9/11/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad and members of Women Association (Dharma Wanita Persatuan or DWP) Unpad, visited Controlled Culture Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta), in ex-North Pedca, Jatinangor Campus, Wednesday (9/11). The visit was conducted in order to review the condition of the laboratory established since 1993.

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dan Dekan Faperta Unpad, Dr. Ir. Sudarjat, M.P., saat melakukan panen tomat di Laboratorium Kultur Terkendali Faperta Unpad di Jatinangor, Rabu (9/11). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Unpad, Dr. Ir. Sudarjat, MP, during tomato harvest in Controlled Culture Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture in Jatinangor, Wednesday (9/11). (Photo by: Tedi Yusup) *

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Unpad, Dr. Ir. Sudarjat, MP, Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture Unpad Prof. Dr. Ir. Benny Joy, MS, Manager of Controlled Culture Lab, Dr. Ir. Dedi Widayat, MP, and a number of laboratory staff welcomed the visit.

On the occasion, Dr. Sudarjat said the purpose of establishing the laboratory was for improving the competence of the Diploma program students and research center for the lecturers at Faperta. The construction of this laboratory was initiated by the late Prof. Dr. Ir. Aos M. Akyas, and was built from funding by Poma (Parents Association).

The laboratory is a home for screen house which is now planted with tomatoes by Faperta’s professors. In a way, this laboratory produces about 200-300 kilograms of tomatoes each day grown through hydroponics. The screen house has a surface area of 5,400 square meters with a total number of tomato plants reached 20,000 units.

“We have long studied and conducted agricultural production technology before other institutions highlight it,” said Dr. Sudarjat.

The tomatoes from the laboratory are then marketed through cooperation with industries. They have become superior quality on the market. Dr. Dedi also said that the tomatoes have been distributed to upscale supermarkets.

“Regular markets are not suitable considering the price of the produce. In this term, we have business prospects,” explained Dr.Dedi

Tomato garden at Controlled Culture Lab, Faperta Unpad (Photo by: Dadan T.)

However, recent decreasing productivity has caused supply termination of the tomatoes in the market. Dr. Dedi said, this problem, among others, is due to the high cost of production, increase in pests and damaged screen house due to natural factors.

In addition to having superior varieties, the laboratory is also frequently visited by schools, institutions, universities, and public in general to see the process of hydroponic cultivation.

Reflecting on the “heyday” of production, Faperta Unpad plans to revitalize the laboratory. “This laboratory could be eligible for academic corporation we develop,” said Dr. Sudarjat.

Responding to the plan, Rector said that the development of this laboratory should be continued. As the implementation of media for research, the laboratory will be beneficial for the process of vocational education which is currently in the development plan.

Furthermore, he explained, as the optimization of land in Arjasari campus, laboratory development will be continued in the area. “Development in substantial aspects should be conducted in Jatinangor, but for technical education we should focus on Arjasari,” said Rector. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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