Sederet Prestasi Warnai Milangkala ke-58 Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unpad

[, 31/10/2016] As an academic institution at the Universitas Padjadjaran who turned 58 years, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences continuously improve the quality of academic and institutional. These efforts are mandated responsibility to the academic community and educational staff FIB Unpad.

Orasi Ilmiah oleh Dr. Hazbini, M.Ag., dengan judul “Sastra Sufi Merajut Sinergi Menembus Sekat-sekat Keragaman dan Keberagaman” pada “Milangkala ke-58 Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unpad” di Aula Pusat Studi Bahasa Jepang Kampus FIB Unpad, Jatinangor, Senin (31/10). (Foto oleh: tedi Yusup)*
Scientific Oration by Dr. Hazbini, M.Ag., entitled “Sufi Literature Weaving Synergy in Penetrating Barriers of Diversity” on “Milangkala 58th Unpad Faculty of Cultural Sciences” at the Japanese Language Study Center Hall Unpad Campus FIB, Jatinangor, Monday (31/10 ). (Photo by Tedi Yusup) *

Dean of FIB Unpad, Yuyu Yohana Risagarniwa, M.Ed., Ph.D., said that changing the name of the original Faculty of Cultural Sciences from Faculty of Letters Unpad is a commitment to the development and expansion of opportunities. The commitment is then realized in every achievement in the field Tridharma of FIB Unpad and other institutions.

It is proposed by Yuyu during his annual speech in the “Milangkala 58th Unpad Faculty of Cultural Sciences” at the Japanese Language Study Center Hall Unpad Campus FIB, Jatinangor, Monday (31/10). The event was attended by all the leaders of FIB, senate, faculty, students, staff, and invited guests.

This Anniversary event was also attended by the Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Ahmad, Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Engagement, Cooperation, Innovation, and Business Unpad, Dr. Keri Lestari, M.Sc., Apt.

Yuyu said, in the field of research, up to October 2016, there has been eight capacity research grants for lecturers, 18 research through schemes PUPT, and 3 research results of the international competition. A total of 8 research titles from FIB faculty were published in international journals.

Meanwhile in the field of cooperation, FIB Unpad has been widely expanded the network of cooperation with various agencies, institutions, and the business world, nationally and abroad. A special collaboration with the business world, continued Yuyu, effort was undertaken in order to implement the establishment of the Career Development Center (CDC) FIB Unpad.

At the level of student activities, a series of successful achievement outcomes were achieved by students FIB Unpad in various competitions at the national level. In addition, during the last 4 years FIB UNPAD has also been appointed by the National Test Center and Lecturers Organizing Body Certification as a venue for TOEFL and Academic Basic Competence Test (TKDA).

On the occasion, Rector said, many things that have been inscribed by FIB for Unpad. “I believe the existence of this FIB into a special identifier Unpad compared to other universities,” said Rector.

Furthermore, Rector said, FIB is expected to be a front-line improvement for Unpad academic culture. The cultural sector is currently a major need to improve the academic quality rather than the technical aspects.

This is also confirmed by changes in Unpad to become State University as Legal Entity, in which automatically changing institutional culture. “Technically this cultural change is not a difficult thing, but it should formulated with both the academic approach,” he explained.

Faced with such challenges, Rector asked FIB Unpad to continue adapting to the developments, particularly in the world of work. According to Rector, FIB Unpad in the future is expected not only to dwell in the science of literature and language as the realm of culture, but it is able to expand the scope of science.

“The world is facing a new era, in which the uncertainty is a normal thing. Culture has become strength, “he said.

The Anniversary is also filled with scientific speech by Dr. Hazbini, M.Ag., entitled ” Sufi Literature Weaving Synergy in Penetrating Barriers of Diversity”. In the end, the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between FIB Unpad and Museum of Asian-African Conference. The agreement was signed by the Dean of the FIB with the Acting Head of the Museum, Devi Noviadi. This signing is a follow up of the same work that has been done FIB with the Museum. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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