VP, Jusuf Kalla: Regional Autonomy Should Encourage Interdependence and Deliver Strong Synergies

[Unpad.ac.id, 24/10/2016] Vice President, Drs. H. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla said the government no longer emphasize of power factor in running the administration process. Regional autonomy should encourage local authorities to facilitate the act motivating the community to jointly develop the territory.

Wakil Presiden RI, Drs. H. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, saat memberikan sambutan pada “Seminar Nasional dan Temu Administrator Muda Indonesia” di Bale Sawala Gedung Rektorat Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Senin (24/10). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Vice President, Drs. H. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, during his speech at the “National Seminar and Meeting Young Administrator Indonesia” in Bale Sawala Rectorate Building Campus Jatinangor, Monday (24/10). (Photo by Dadan T.) *

“Developed country’s government is able to motivate, encourage creativity, and educate their communities,” said the vice president during the opening of the “National Seminar and Meeting Young Administrator Indonesia” in Bale Sawala Rectorate Building Building Jatinangor, Monday (24/10).

This event is an annual event held by Young Administrator Indonesia (ADMI). This year, the event is held by the Student Association of Public Administration Social and Political Science, Universitas Padjadjaran. A total of 30 delegates from universities in Indonesia, members of the ADMI, are participating in the event.

In this event, also attending The Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform RI, Asman Abnur, M.Sc., Governor of West Java, Ir. Ahmad Heryawan, the Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, as well as all leaders in Unpad.

The Vice President said that regional autonomy should encourage the birth of a sense of interdependence between the communities in some areas. Interdependence effort is expected to build strong synergies between the regions.

Furthermore, the Vice President said that regional autonomy is the result of changes in the governance system is centralized. Through regional autonomy, local government tasks are expanding. However, on the other hand, the power given is less. To that end, community initiatives should be further enhanced through the active role of the Governor and the regional element in encouraging the active participation of the community.

VP stated that each region basically can not stand alone. The main factor to promote the region is good communication between communities. Power factor is no longer a subject, but it rather emphasizes the communicative abilities.

Changes in the governance system also affected the learning process in college. Possibly, said Vice President, there are additional subjects to negotiate, particularly on the Study Program of Government Science or Public Administration. The ability of these negotiations will encourage the government to perform a good communication to the community.

“After the reformation, the governor’s duty extends, for democratization and good governance. We should also be able to motivate people. This becomes the foundation of our future, “said the Vice President.

Autonomy is also motivated by the dynamic system of government in Indonesia. Vice President explained that this is based on the changes in the political, economic, social, to the development of information and communication technology system.

The administrator should recognize this change. Currently bureaucratic reform efforts by the government aimed to create much more effective and efficient governance. The government should be more flexible in viewing the challenges embodied in effective, inexpensive, orderly, and efficient service.

Threfore management personnel of government able to answer the challenge is required. Kalla said the current administrator task is not merely to serve the community, but is able to motivate creativity and innovation to society.

“Administrators should be able to understand the issue further, has a futuristic view, not just only taking care of the technical administration,” the Vice President said.

On the occasion, Rector also explained the contribution of Unpad in favor of regional autonomy in West Java. Through the program “Unpad Nyaah ka Jabar”, Universitas Padjadjaran contributed strongly to increase the advancement of human resources in the 27 City/County through the active role of the professors.

Integrated with Field Work Experience program, professors and students took an active role in doing community service with the aim of increasing the capacity of the community. Moreover, the managers of the government who want to continue their studies in Unpad can make the learning process directly in their respective areas. In this case, the professors are actively involved in solving various problems in each area.

“This way we can be encouraged for academic development to be provided immediately in reinforcement of the area. It became front lines for local governments through bureaucratic reformation. Through service learning, in the future we are together to improve governance, “said Rector.

This year, the ADMI meeting is held with theme of “Delivering Good Governance Through Local Government Reforms”. The activities consist of a series of national seminars, discussions clusters, public hearings, and hearings of ADMI meeting until Thursday (27/10). *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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