FPIK Unpad & SMK Negeri 1 Kelautan Pangandaran Held Action for Clean Beaches

Para dosen, mahasiswa dan pelajar yang mengikuti kegiatan Sosialisasi dan Aksi Bersih Pantai di Pantai Barat Pangandara, Senin (15/08). *

[Unpad.ac.id, 25/08/2016] Study Program of Marine Sciences Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Padjadjaran held socialization of Action for Clean Beaches in West Coast region of Pangandaran, Monday (15/08). This beach-cleaning action was carried out with the students of SMK Negeri 1 Kelautan (Marine) Pangandaran.

Para dosen, mahasiswa dan pelajar yang mengikuti kegiatan Sosialisasi dan Aksi Bersih Pantai di Pantai Barat Pangandara, Senin (15/08). *
Lecturers and students participating in Socialization and Action for Clean Beaches in West Coast Pangandaran, Monday (15/08). *

Stated in the release received by PR Unpad, this event was held to reduce the amount of trash contamination in the Indonesian waters. Based on the research published in the Science Journal in 2015, Indonesia became the second largest contributor in water pollution in the world after the People’s Republic of China.

If left untreated, an estimated number of marine wastes in 2020 will be equal to the number of fish. Treatment for these matters should be done from upstream to downstream, including most importantly raising public awareness of the importance of protecting the marine ecosystem.

This activity is led by a group of students of Marine Sciences, accompanied by Mega Laksmini S, PhD, Noir P. Purba, S.Pi., M.Si., Lintang Permata Sari, M.Si, and Lantun Paradhita Dewanti, M.EP. The initial activity was done by presentation of marine litter/marine debris and simulation form of ICC Network in SMK 1 Pangandaran.

Furthermore, along with 30 students, teams beach-cleaning action. From the results of these activities, wastes, cigarette butts, straws, and plastic are found. This indicates that contamination of garbage are coming from tourists and merchants activities in the region.

To increase public awareness, FPIK Unpad team provides posters and stickers for students SMK 1, agencies of Balai Benih Udang Galah (BBUG), tourists, people, and traders in the West Coast region of Pangandaran.

This activity is expected to increase public awareness. Noir P. Purba, who is also a team of experts on marine litter at the Coordinating Ministry for maritime, said that currently the Government is preparing a National Action Plan (NAP) to combat marine plastic waste. This plan will involve all parties. It is expected that by 2019 the amount of marine litter can be reduced by 30%.

The school welcomes this activity. They hope that these activities can continue with the involvement of all parties, such as fishermen, tourists, as well as merchants. This effort is expected to reduce the number of garbage pollution at Pangandaran Beach as a Tourism Destination Region (DTW). *

Released by Marine Sciences FPIK Unpad/arf

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