Higher Education Should Not Stall and Must Continue To Flourish To Compete in the Era of Globalization

Ketua Tim Indonesia Qualifications Framework (KKNI), Megawati Santoso, Ph. D., saat menjadi narasumber “Workshop Akuntabilitas Perguruan Tinggi dalam Konteks Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN” yang digelar Satuan Penjaminan Mutu (SPM) Unpad di Hotel Aston Primera, Senin (15/08). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.) *

[Unpad.ac.id, 15/08/2016] As State University of Legal Entities, in addition to “pursue” autonomy, we also need to pay attention to accountability. Do not let accountability be excluded because the search for autonomy.

Ketua Tim Indonesia Qualifications Framework (KKNI), Megawati Santoso, Ph. D., saat menjadi narasumber “Workshop Akuntabilitas Perguruan Tinggi dalam Konteks Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN” yang digelar Satuan Penjaminan Mutu (SPM) Unpad di Hotel Aston Primera, Senin (15/08). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.) *
Chairman of the Indonesian Qualifications Framework (KKNI), Megawati Santoso, Ph.D., as a guest speaker “Accountability Workshop on Higher Education in the Context of the ASEAN Economic Community” organized by Quality Assurance Unit (SPM), Universitas Padjadjaran in Aston Primera, Monday (15/08). (Photo by Dadan T.) *

“What is required is academic autonomy, not autonomy of arbitrarily use. Accountability should be clear, “said Chairman of the Indonesian Qualifications Framework (KKNI), Megawati Santoso, Ph. D in the “Workshop Accountability Higher Education in the Context of the ASEAN Economic Community” organized by the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM), Universitas Padjadjaran in Aston Primera, Monday (15/08).

In the framework of this accountability, one thing to note is the necessity of accountable learning outcomes, achieved by each program study, and preferably specific learning outcomes that cannot be done by other courses.

“Accountability is expressed in learning outcomes and achievements proof that it could be achieved,” said Megawati.

Moreover, to be competitive in the era of globalization, university should not be complacent with what has been held today. Higher education should be kept active in order to survive and compete in the era of globalization.

“Even if Unpad has become PTN-BH now, even if Unpad is good now, if you do not proceed after continued advancement of qualifications, you can not live in the era of globalization,” said Megawati.

Another speaker, expert staff of Kemenristekdikti for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Paulina Harvest, M.Is said that universities hold role in generating innovation. Innovation is not just the result of the research, but also for downstream and commercialization industry.

Currently, Indonesia is still low in innovation index, under Malaysia and Singapore. In fact, Indonesia has many more resources from the two countries, which could make this country has the potential to have a high innovation index.

“Higher education becomes an important part to improve the competitiveness index,” said Prof. Paulina.

Attending the event was Chairman of Prodi in Unpad. Head of SPM Unpad, Dr. Hj. Rd. Funny Mustikasari Elita, M.Sc. revealed that the event was held as part of efforts to reorganize and renew the existing curriculum at Padjadjaran University, conforming to the latest regulations of Ministry of Technology and Higher Education.

“It’s more refreshing for Universitas Padjadjaran curriculum, since it was re-governed to be better. This is mainly attributed to the norm of the latest regulations of Permenristekdikti No. 44 In 2015, dealing with the upcoming Ministry Law (of learning outcomes), “said Dr. Funny.

Further, Dr. Funny revealed that these activities provided briefing in formulating learning outcomes according to the latest rules-based KKNI. After this event, each program of study is encouraged to rearrange the formulation of learning outcomes.

“From learning outcomes, they will be seen to-do agenda of research that are relevant to the conditions Prodi learning outcomes,” said Dr. Funny.

Then, it will be resumed with the 3-in-one strategy, in which the activities of professors and students had to be aligned in a single activity of Tridharma of Higher Education including education, research, and community engagement.

The event was opened by the Vice Rector for Research, Community Services, Cooperation, Innovation, and Business, Dr. Keri Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt., and was also attended by Director of Education Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, dr., Sp.A-K., Kes. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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