[Unpad.ac.id, 9/08/2016] To further facilitate the service of public disclosure, Universitas Padjadjaran now provided ppid.unpad.ac.id web page to provide information about Unpad and to facilitate community who will apply the information. This service is one form of accountability Unpad as public body.

webppidunpad“Unpad also has been a public information service, but now we provide web-based tool so that applicants can get easier and more convenient access to public information of Universitas Padjadjaran,” said Director of Governance and Public Communication Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Soni A. Nulhaqim.

The right to gain information is a human right and public disclosure is one of the important characteristics of a democratic country that upheld sovereignty of the people to realize good governance. Unpad is committed to open public information as mandated by Law No. 14 of 2008 and Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2010 on Public Information Disclosure.

The web service PPID Unpad would provide public information in accordance with Law of Public that information should be announced to the public. In addition, the application form is also available information so that the public can access public information, to be provided by Universitas Padjadjaran. Applicants for information can fill out the form and receive for a response from PPID Unpad via email or telephone in accordance of predetermined time.

“Last year, Unpad gained appreciation as the top three state universities with its Public Disclosure and won awards from the Central Information Commission, submitted by the President, Joko Widodo. Unpad wanted to continue this good tradition to continue to provide the best service, “said Soni, who is also the Coordinator of Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID), Universitas Padjadjaran. *

Reported by Erman

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