Dr. Dicky Muslim, M.Sc.*

[Unpad.ac.id, 19/07/2016] Aside of Jatinangor’s functions as educational and settlements areas growing rapidly, there is the potential for disaster that is crucial at times. It will cause loss of life and enormous material if there is no early disaster mitigation.

Dr. Dicky Muslim, dosen Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)
Dr. Dicky Muslim, Lecturer of Faculty of Geological Engineering Unpad (Photo by Dadan T.)

Lecturer of Faculty of Geological Engineering Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Ir. Dicky Muslim, M.Sc., said that at least three potential disasters threaten the region of Jatinangor. They are landslides, earthquakes, and the possibility of Mount Manglayang activity.

“We live in an unsafe area, but we instead take advantage of this insecurity as benefit,” said Dicky as a speaker in the “Socialization and Information Mitigation of Universitas University” in Bale Rucita Jatinangor Unpad Campus, Monday (18/07).

According to Dicky, these three potential disasters can happen simultaneously any time. Based on the results of the joint study with students FTG for many years, he found many areas are prone to landslides and earthquakes. He pointed out, when the region experienced an earthquake and rain simultaneously, while the load settlements on it heavy, it is very likely to experience landslides.

Geologically, Jatinangor is located east of Bandung basin area, which is an earthquake-prone region. It is based on the existence of fault (fracture) in the area of Lembang. Based on the research, since thousands of years ago, Bandung Basin area has experienced massive earthquake that reached 6.5 on the Richter scale strength.

“Based on the research, if Bandung re-experienced an earthquake as it is, will suffer a loss of about 4 trillion,” he said.

Furthermore he supposed, when the earthquake and rain occur simultaneously, while the load settlements on it was large, , it is very likely to experience landslides. This potential disaster also included the campus area Jatinangor. If the construction of buildings and disaster mitigation were not good, Dicky said, Unpad will suffer large future losses.

In relation to the potential Mount Manglayang activity, Dicky said, this is similar to the eruption of Mount Sinabung. “Sinabung underwent a process of ‘sleep’ for 700 years and even was considered dead. But it turned out to erupt again. We tried to see the potential of this happening in Manglayang. This prediction is important to reduce the risk, “he explained.

However, Dicky’s explanation is not to scare people. If the process of disaster mitigation is done early, any damage that could occurs during the disaster would be reduced. In addition, disaster mitigation matters as not only the task of one science or institutions alone, but also the cross disciplines, institutions, and communities.

Amateur Radio Disaster Mitigation
Universitas Padjadjaran now has disaster mitigation systems. On June 25, 2015, Boy Scout Unit Unpad through Gudep 06015-06016 founded Amateur Radio Station 7A1P. This amateur radio station is established in cooperation with Unpad-Ministry of Higher Education-Ministry of Information and is a club communication station radio fro disaster mitigation.

KRT. Adikoesoemo, former officer of the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), which is also a speaker in this socialization, said that this amateur radio station is the only radio station disaster mitigation owned Universities in Indonesia.

The radio station is located in Ciparanje, Campus complex Jatinangor, as media dissemination of knowledge in the area of disaster mitigation in Unpad, which aslo also the standardization of mitigation with P1 Professional Certification Agency disaster mitigation in Unpad.

In addition to building a communication network of disaster mitigation at Universitas Padjadjaran, the radio station is also expected to capture the interest to venture into disaster mitigation. The station is connected to the network BNPB, and has a DX system that is able to establish remote communication with other radio stations around the world.

“This is a disaster mitigation embryo in Unpad,” said Lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture Unpad, Dr. Ir. Rachmat Haryanto, M.S., who is also a co-founder of the Amateur Radio Station 7A1P Unpad. *

Reported by: Arief Maulana / eh

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