BI Supported Launching of Three Islamic Economics Books; One of Which Written by Lecturer of FEB Unpad

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (ketiga dari kanan) saat menerima *

[, 14/07/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran participated in the preparation of three teaching textbooks of Islamic Economics for various universities in Indonesia. The books were written by professors from Universitas Padjadjaran University Airlangga, and Universitas Islam Indonesia in cooperation with the Department of Economy and Sharia Finance (DEKS) Bank Indonesia.

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (ketiga dari kanan) saat menerima *
Rector Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (third from right) receiving textbooks from Governor of Bank Indonesia, Agus DW Martowardojo (red batik) in BI Building Jakarta, July 1, 2016. *

The three textbooks were Micro Islami Business by Dian Masyita, PhD (Unpad), Zakat Management by Dr. Priyonggo (UII), and Management of Endowments Dr. Raditya Sukmana (Unair). The launch and at the same time the delivery of textbooks was conducted by the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Agus DW Martowardojo to Rector Unpad Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, Rector of Universitas Airlangga and Rector of UII in Function Room Gedung Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, Friday (1/7).

This ceremony was also commemorating the Eve of 63rd anniversary of Bank Indonesia. “The project of writing three textbooks was a form of Bank Indonesia’s commitment in supporting economic development and Islamic finance in Indonesia,” said M. Anwar Bashori, Head of DEKS Bank Indonesia.

These three textbooks were to be distributed to various universities in Indonesia as a textbook. The dissemination of books comes in form of hard copy and e-book.

bi-unpad-buku-2On the same occasion, alumnus Unpad who is also Deputy Governor, Dr. Hendar, and Executive Director and Regional Head of BI for Sumatra, Dr. Dian Ediana Rae, also expressed support for collaboration between Unpad and Bank Indonesia.

Previously, DEKS BI has also held Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on development of Islamic Economics on Thursday (30/06). The development of teaching materials referred to BI blueprint of economic development of Islam in Indonesia. This event showed alignments of BI in supporting the implementation of Sharia Economic system in Indonesia.

Attending the event were team of DEKS Sharia BI, academics, and practitioners from various universities. From Unpad Dr. Nury Effendi as Dean of FEB Unpad and Dian Masyita, Ph.D as Head of Program Study Islamic Economics FEB Unpad were also among the attendance of the FGD.*

Released by FEB Unpad/am

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