Six Indicators of Success in Self-Audit in Ramadan Month

Prof. Dr. Sudrajat Supian, M.Sc., saat memberikan ceramah Shalat Iedul Fitri 1437 H di Halaman Parkir Kampus Unpad, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Rabu (06/07) lalu. (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 11/07/2016] Ramadan can be termed as a self-audit month. The audit was conducted to determine what has or has not done. Additionally, audits are conducted to measure how far we are able to restore ourselves.

Prof. Dr. Sudrajat Supian, M.Sc., saat memberikan ceramah Shalat Iedul Fitri 1437 H di Halaman Parkir Kampus Unpad, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Rabu (06/07) lalu. (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Prof. Dr. Sudrajat Supian, M.Sc., during the ceramah Shalat Iedul Fitri 1437 H in Parking Hall Campus Unpad, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Wednesday (06/07). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

It was said by Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unpad Prof. Dr. Sudrajat Supian, M.Sc., during the ceramah Shalat Iedul Fitri 1437 H in Parking Hall Campus Unpad, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Wednesday (6/07).

In this occasion, Prof. Sudrajat delivered a speech entitled “ The Beauty of Forgiving”.

At the very least, said Prof. Sudrajat, there are six indicators that can be restored during Ramadan. These six indicators are forming an integral good of the mankind. The six of the indicators are: pious the husband or wife, virtuous offspring, healthy body, lawful provision, good neighbors, and useful knowledge.

“With auditing these six indicators honestly and properly, hopefully we know how to live a life map after Ramadan. Thus we are able to move properly and excel in life,” said Prof. Sudrajat.

One of the successes of the audit itself is to be human beings who do “charity”. Prof. Sudrajat said charity as a group of human beings who feel seen by Allah as a sign of the success of human beings living Ramadan. Ramadan made people to always feel under God’s watch, not just from things that are forbidden, but also from lawful things, for example: eating, drinking, and sex during the day.

Therefore, Ramadan is the momentum to create ihsan human being, ones who always feel the presence of God wherever they are.

In addition to being the month of introspection, in the history of world civilization as recorded in the Quran, Ramadan is also the momentum of great events, especially for Muslims. Prof. Sudrajat expressed that there are at least six important events occurred in the month of Ramadan, namely: the events Revelation of the Quran and Lailat al Qadr, the Battle of Badr, the liberation of Mecca by Muslims, conversion to Islam Umar bin Khattab, conversions to an immoral Fudhail bin ‘Iyad, and the Independence of Indonesia.

Thus, it is apt to say Ramadan as a month of triumph among other Muslim lunar month.

“In one month, God created a special month, a loving, blessing and full forgiveness month. The month of Ramadan would be sorely missed by Muslims worldwide, “said Prof. Sudrajat.

Aside from held in campus Dipati Ukur, Eid prayer was also held at Jatinangor. After the Eid prayer on campus Dipati Ukur, Rector held an Open House meet with the extended family and community members of Unpad in Unpad guesthouse Jln. Cimandiri Bandung. *

Photos by Tedi Yusup

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh             

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