Lises Unpad Conducted Culture Documentation Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba

Upacara Adat Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba di Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Lembang, Minggu (28/06) lalu. (Dokumentasi Lises Unpad)*

[, 30/06/2016] Sundanese Art Community (Lises) Universitas Padjadjaran conducted another Culture Documentation event in relation to research and development. The object of documentation this time is Tradition Ceremenony Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba in Mount (Gunung) Tangkuban Parahu Lembang, on Sunday (28/06).

Upacara Adat Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba di Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Lembang, Minggu (28/06) lalu. (Dokumentasi Lises Unpad)*
Tradition Ceremony Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Lembang, Sudany (28/06). (Documentation of Lises Unpad)*

Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba is a tradition upheld by Sundanese Wiwitan belief. This Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba is a tradition ceremony ritual intended to purify the mountain. In addition, the ceremony was also done as an expression of gratitude and love of from man to nature, where we need to improve the life of nature and ourselves because we will die and stay on the large space (universe) and small space (ourselves).

The participants of the ceremony were not only from Sundanese communit but also from the people from Sabang to Merauke, who admitted the same beliefs on Tangkuban Perahu as Gunung Agung and Purba that needed to purify.

In ancestral times, Gunung Tangkuban Parahu was believed to be the largest mountains in the universe thus Tangkuban Perahu exalted by its adherents. With the eruption of this majestic mountain, it had secured the Sunda Wiwitan belief to further guard the mountain because they consider nature were angry. To maintain the stability of the nature Wiwitan Sunda followers held Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ritual ceremony at Tangkuban Perahu. The ceremony was regularly held every year, in which the date was determined by the calculation of the month.

IMG_7706-2IMG_7750The ceremony this year was different from last year’s. This year, the new traditional leader was by Jaro Manik, substituting Wastu Jaro who has served as a traditional leader for 8 years, and would lead for another 8 years ahead.

Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony consists of several parts, starting from the extraction of water from all the holy or sacred springs, from Sabang to Merauke. After the water was collected, ritual Mipit Amit was performed in Babakan Siliwangi. Mipit Amit was a ritual as asking permission to the ancestors (sasadu) to carry out the ceremony of Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba. At the Mipit Amit ritual, prayers and union of the water from various springs in various areas was conducted for the water to be used holy water to be used during peak event Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony at the Mount Tangkuban Perahu. *

Released by Lises Unpad / art

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