SPM Unpad Held Workshop of Formulation and Preparation of Quality Standards

Suasana Workshop Perumusan dan Penyusunan Standar Mutu Unpad di Bale Rucita Gedung Rektorat Unpad kampus Jatinangor, Kamis (16/06). Workshop berlangsung selama 2 hari hingga Jumat (17/06) besok. (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 16/06/2016] Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) Universitas Padjadjaran held a Formulation and Preparation of Quality Standards Workshop in Bale Rucita Rectorate Building Unpad campus Jatinangor, Thursday (16/06) to Friday (17/06). The event was attended by a number of Quality Assurance Unit Chiefs of the Faculties and the editorial team of quality standards in Unpad for formulation and preparation of guidelines for the quality standard of Unpad.

Suasana Workshop Perumusan dan Penyusunan Standar Mutu Unpad di Bale Rucita Gedung Rektorat Unpad kampus Jatinangor, Kamis (16/06). Workshop berlangsung selama 2 hari hingga Jumat (17/06) besok. (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
The Workshop of Formulation and Preparation of Quality Standards Unpad in Bale Rucita, Rectorate Building Unpad campus Jatinangor, Thursady (16/06). This workshop was held for two days until Friday (17/06). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

“Thus our policies today are to provide ground for all activities in our university. In order to be safe, we need to protect our aspirations with their legal basis, “said Head of SPM Padjadjaran University Dr. Hj. Rd. Funny Mustikasari Elita, M.Sc.

Further, Dr. Funny said that this workshop was held to also continue contributing to the improvement of Unpad reputation. “For Unpad reputation to be be maintained and increased in the future,” she hoped.

On the occasion, Dr. Funny presented the material regarding the Internal Quality Assurance Standards in Unpad. She explained that quality assurance of programs and activities is carried out thoroughly on the stages of input, process, output, outcome, benefit, and impact.

Besides Dr. Funny, also attended in the workshop were Deputy of SPM Unpad, Dr. Yuyun Hidayat, MS, who presented about the three responsibilities of Higher Education. According to him, in conducting these three responsibilities of Higher Education we need to integrate the research and education activities for one destination.

“The accurate research will actually improve quality of education and service to the community. If we do not want to be called an ‘ivory tower’, we need to perform research that based on our educational activities, “said Dr. Yuyun.

Furthermore, other presentation by the speakers covered the issue of learning standards, research standards, and dedication to the community, the standard SPM, governance, and VMTS, standards of student affairs and academic atmosphere, standard of information systems, infrastructure, financial standards and welfare, as well as equal working standards and business manager. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh


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