Logo Unpad-BUMN Center of Excellence

[Unpad.ac.id, 2/05/2016] Cooperation development of Universitas Padjadjaran in Pentahelix scheme will be increasingly strengthened with the establishment of Unpad-BUMN Center of Excellence (BCE). The launch of BCE was scheduled to be held on Monday, May 9, 2016 at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta during the Pentahelix Seminar with theme “Stimulation and Over The Top (OTT) Setting for the Advancement of Telematics Industry”.

Logo Unpad-BUMN Center of Excellence
Logo of Unpad-BUMN Center of Excellence

According to Director of Governance and Public Communication Unpad, Dr. Soni A. Nulhaqim, S. Sos., M.Si., BCE Unpad was the center of excellence development of state-owned enterprises in creating global competitiveness through cross-sector collaboration, cooperation, and assessment.

Pentahelix seminar became one of the early implementations of BCE’s Unpad. It was a collaborative effort across sectors held to be the basis of national policy for the delivery of OTT in Indonesia, especially in efforts to encourage business models and law enforcement in the OTT reviewed from various parties including academics, employers, community, government, and media.

Seminar and launch of BCE Unpad would be attended by Minister of State Owned Enterprises, Rini Soemarno and Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. Mohamad Nasir. This event will feature two keynote speakers in two sessions, of the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara and Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Yuddy Chrisnandi.

The next seminar would be divided in two panel discussions featuring speakers from various elements of pentahelix. The first session with the theme OTT and Development for the Advancement of Telematics Industry would feature five speakers: Prof. Dr. Ernie Tisnawati Sule (Unpad academics), Nadiem Makarim (owner of Gojek/Business), Ir. Kristiono (Chairman Mastel/community), I Ketut Prihadi Krishna, SH., LLM. (BRTI/government) and Arif Budisusilo (Chief Editor of Bisnis Indonesia/media) with Suryopratomo as moderator.

The second session of the seminar would highlight the theme “OTT and Balance Industry in Indonesia” with guest speakers Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. Ramli, SH., MH., FCBArb (Unpad academics), Muhammad Awaluddin (Telkom/industrial), Agatha Lily, S. Sos., M. Si (Regulator), Hari Santoso Sungkari (BeKraf), Dr. Ahmad Yani Basuki (LSF), with Rosiana Silalahi as moderator.

“This activity is expected to inspire, encourage innovation, and provide strategic thinking for the development of state-owned enterprises, especially in the telecommunications industry and OTT so that it could become the engine of growth of the Indonesian economy,” concluded Dr. Soni. *

Reported by Marlia / eh


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