SAR Unpad Members Participated in Mending Trailhead of Papua Cartenz Pyramid

Bendera Unpad yang dibawa pendaki SAR Unpad ke pegunungan Cartensz Pyramid Papua untuk memperbaiki tali pengaman jalur pendakian di sana *

[, 29/04/2016] Two student, members Unit Search and Rescue (SAR) Universitas Padjadjaran, trekked through the top of Carstensz Pyramid in Papua, on 9 to 19 April. The climb was to recharge and repair safety rope climbing path of Carstensz Pyramid, altitude of 4884 meters above sea level.

Bendera Unpad yang dibawa pendaki SAR Unpad ke pegunungan Cartensz Pyramid Papua untuk memperbaiki tali pengaman jalur pendakian di sana *
Unpad flag of UNPAD SAR climbers in Cartensz Pyramid Papua to improve safety rope climbing track *

Two students were Bahrul Alam and Mulyana Saputra. They were appointed as SAR Unpad climber representatives to commemorate Kartini Day with Community Outdoor Activity in one of the peaks of the world’s seven highest. In a press release received by Unpad PR, Bahrul and Mulyana were chosen through a previous selection process.

Rope change in Lembah Kuning stretched at an altitude of 4300 meters above sea level to the top of Carstensz Pyramid. Ropes that have been installed since 1994 was in poor condition therefore a change was in order considering the climbing lane has become one of the favorite lanes of local and abroad visitors.

“The main mission of this trip is to restore the rope feasibility. Feasibility becomes necessary for security, “said UNPAD SAR Unit in their written statement.

DSC_0219Rope is an essential component for connecting routes ascent of Carstensz. The peak was named the peak with the highest costs in the world because of the difficulty of access and its steep terrain.

Rope change process was carried out over three days. During the trip, the team camp was located in Lembah kuning. On the first day, the team set off from Lembah Kuning to replace the rope as far as 200 meters. Then on the second day, the team replaced the rope about 300 meters up to the Terolian or Merah Putih bridge. On the third day the team made the turn up the Pass One (Celah Satu) until nearing the peak. The journey ended with summit attack before trailing down to Lembah Kuning.

“This is my personal highest achievement. Many people wanted to get to the peak and it cost them a lot of money; while I am just relying on my physical ability and technique, at no cost, “said Mulyana regarding his experience.*

Released by SAR Unpad/am

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