Financial Reports As Business Activity, Not Only Loan Requirement

(Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)

[, 21/04/2016] financial statements filing should be part of entrepreneurial activity. This report is for evaluation, decisions making, and developing future business. However, this activity is still mislabeled by some entrepreneurs .

(Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)
Lecturer of FEB Unpad, Evita Puspitasari, SE., MSi., Ak., during presentation at Training of Financial Statement Feeling for Business Company in Unpad Training Center, Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda 4 Bandung, Thursday (04/21). (Photo by Arief Maulana)

“Financial reports are not compiled when we are trying to apply for bank loan. It is totally incorrect,” said Evita Puspitasari, SE., MSi., Ak., a Financial Accounting practicioner who is a Lecturer of Faculty of Economy and Business Unpad during presentation at Training of Financial Statement Feeling for Business Company in Unpad Training Center, Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Thursday (04/21).

The training is part of a series of training Preparation of Micro Business Financial Statements held by Business Financing Clinic Unpad with Bank Negara Indonesia. 40 participants who are mostly young entrepreneurs Unpad students attended the training.

Financial statements, said Evita, did not only benefit to facilitate process of obtaining loan at the bank. For banking sector, this report is useful to assess appropriateness of prospective lenders to obtain financing.

In line with Evita, Coordinator of Unpad Financing Clinic, Teguh Husodo, S.E., M.Si., said that financial statements are a business activity reflection. “How could we know our progress if there is no report,” said Teguh, a lecturer of FEB Unpad.

Teguh revealed that reports preparation can be done even though entrepreneurs have not have studied accounting. Entrepreneurs are able to prepare simple financial statements.

“Advance report is unnecessary. What is important is to record activities in financial statement, balance sheet and profit and loss,” said Teguh.

He also pointed out that if an entrepreneur wanted to check their product stock, they only needed to check the inventory record on their balance sheet. Same goes in determining business development, the income statement could be a benchmark for the business.

In addition to organize training for SME entrepreneurs, Business Financing Clinic with BNI Unpad would also hold similar training for Manufacturing Company. This training will be held on Friday (04/22).*

Reported by Arief Maulana       

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