Before Election, Three Candidate for Chairman of Ika Unpad Presented Their Programs

Tiga calon Ketua Umum Ikatan Alumni Universitas Padjadjaran, Hikmat Kurnia (kiri), Doli Kurnia (kanan), hadir dalam dialog publik di Aula Pikiran Rakyat, Jln. Asia Afrika Bandung. Satu calon lainnya, Yuddy Chrisnandi berhalangan hadir dan diwakili oleh (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*

[, 9/04/2016] Three candidates for Chairman of Alumni Association of Universitas Padjadjaran (Ika Unpad) year 2016-2020 held Public Dialogue in the Hall of Editorial Office Pikiran Rakyat, Jln. Asia Afrika No. 77, Bandung, Saturday (9/04). The Public Dialogue is part of stages of Chairman of Ika Unpad election.

Tiga calon Ketua Umum Ikatan Alumni Universitas Padjadjaran, Hikmat Kurnia (kiri), Doli Kurnia (kanan), hadir dalam dialog publik di Aula Pikiran Rakyat, Jln. Asia Afrika Bandung. Satu calon lainnya, Yuddy Chrisnandi berhalangan hadir dan diwakili oleh (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Three candidates of Chairman of Alumni Association of Universitas Padjadjaran, Hikmat Kurnia (left), Doli Kurnia (center), in Public Dialogue in Hall of Pikiran Rakyat, Jln. Asia Afrika Bandung. Another candidate, Yuddy Chrisnandi, was not present and represented by Wahyu AP (right). (Photo by Dadan T.)*

Based on the drawing result, three candidates are: Hikmat Kurnia (FIB 1991), Ahmad Doli Kurnia (FMIPA 1991), and Yuddy Chrisnandi (FEB 1991). Yuddy, the present Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform RI was unable to attend the event.

Each candidate presented their idea and vision in front of the panelists of Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, Vice Chairman of Ika Unpad 2012-2016 Drs. Eka Santosa, and Vice Chairman of BEM Kema Unpad Rinaldi M. Azka, as well as representatives of alumni with Islaminur Pempasa, the chief editor of Pikiran Rakyat, as moderator. Also attending the event were Chairman of Board of Trustees, Universitas Padjadjaran, the current Minister of Communications and Information, Rudiantara, MBA.

Hikmat Kurnia said, as organization Ika Unpad should be able to provide benefits to Universitas Padjadjaran and the community. The key to realize the idea is to condition the whole strength of Unpad alumni.

“Unpad is filled with smart and great people. The problem is whether we want to connect or not, “said Hikmat.

Connectivity is an important step and the focus of Hikmat in Ika Unpad. He would establish a working group (WG) adapted to the profession of each alumni. This Committee will be a space of alumni connections in accordance with their roles.

Yuddy Chrisnandi’s ideas, presented on the occasion by Wahyu Agung Permana, conveyed the idea of Ika Unpad as facilitation for alumni to implement various programs. The programs should be continuous and long-term.

“Ika Unpad must have a sustainable vision and is able to bridge alumni network with the potential of the campus,” said Wahyu.

Ika Unpad Programs proposed by Yuddy is to encourage alumni to actively take part to the international level, a program that provides benefits to the community, facilitates graduates to the working world, facilitates graduates who wish to continue their studies, and increases funding in line with Ika Unpad and university.

Ahmad Doli Kurnia presented the idea to improve alumni Unpad collectivity. Alumni Unpad should be able to contribute to the four aspects, for the country, humanity, society, to the world.

Ahmad has four missions, for Ika Unpad to unite bridge communication between alumni and alma mater; for Ika Unpad to become epicenter of interest in the talents and dedication of the graduates; to be strengthening partner as one of the supporters of Unpad to become a World Class University (WCU); and for Ika Unpad to drive the synergy of all the power hold by Unpad.

Rudiantara commented that so far alumni Unpad organization is not as advanced as other universities. “But of quality and performance, we did not lose,” said Rudiantara.

He added, Chairman of Ika Unpad would later be elected as ex-officio a member of Board of Trustees of Unpad.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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