With Yoghurt Business, Unpad Student Won Perwira Award of West Java Province 2016

Rizal Arafat, peraih Penghargaan Wirausaha Baru Tebaik (Perwira Award) Provinsi Jawa Barat (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 5/04/2016] Student of Faculty of Fakultas Agricultural Industry Technology (FTIP) Universitas Padjadjaran, Rizal Arafat became one of the awardee for Best New Entrepreneur (Perwira Award) West Java Province 2016 for his business “Yourgood”. The award was presented by Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan, at Pelataran Parkir Gedung Sate, Sunday (3/04).

Rizal Arafat, peraih Penghargaan Wirausaha Baru Tebaik (Perwira Award) Provinsi Jawa Barat (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Rizal Arafat, awardee for Best New Entrepreneur (Perwira Award) West Java Province (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

Rizal was chosen as a winner after a series of selection in March 2016, of administrative stage, online registration, until interview. Met at PR room in Jatinangor, Monday (3/04), Rizal expressed that he is happy and proud of the award achieved.

“I’m happy because I am appreciated by government agencies. And hopefully, this would be another start to work better. Also this would help others in need, since our philosophy is to give each of its chain benefits, “said Rizal.

“Yourgood” products are dairy products such as yoghurt are packaged in bottles with variety of flavors. Rizal has initiated the effort since December 2014 by empowering people in one village in Cimahi. In addition to buying dairy farmers at high prices, with this effort Rizal also invited the wives of the farmers to contribute in “Yourgood”.

“Yourgood was born from empathy for the conditions in one of the villages in Cimahi that has large potential in terms of raw cow milk,” said Rizal.

In developing “Yourgood”, Rizal was assisted also by two colleagues who were both acting as owner, namely Ryan Rachim Rivaldi (FTIP) and Bintang Maharani (Social). They both are members of “The Local enablers”, a community forum for students to collaborate in corporate world. This community is applying concept of empowerment and expected to continue to provide benefits chain from upstream to downstream.

In the future, Rizal is committed to continue innovating and creating. “Yourgood” will continue to be developed, such as adding flavors. Currently “Yourgood” has come up with a mocha, green tea, melon, strawberry, grapes and lychees flavors. These products had already sold to some areas, such as Jatinangor, Bandung, Jakarta, Cirebon, Bekasi, and Tasik. He said at least a thousand bottles were sold each month.

“Hopefully, Yourgood could be better, covering larger market and receiving more appreciation,” said Rizal.*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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