Student of Chemistry Unpad Participated in Sakura Exchange Program in Science at Tokyo Metropolitan University

Mahasiswa Kimia Unpad saat mengikuti Sakura Exchange Program in Science di Tokyo Metropolitan University Jepang, 29 Februari hingga 9 Maret 2016 lalu *

[, 17/03/2016] 10 students of Chemistry from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) participated in Unpad Sakura Exchange Program in Science at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan, on February 29 to March 9, 2016.

Mahasiswa Kimia Unpad saat mengikuti Sakura Exchange Program in Science di Tokyo Metropolitan University Jepang, 29 Februari hingga 9 Maret 2016 lalu *
Chemistry Students and their lecturers with Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) Professors during the Sakura Exchange Program in Science in TMU Japan, February 29 to March 9, 2016 *

The students were Eriya Utama, Inten Ihsanun Nisa, Friska Hasugian, Septiana Akbar, Satrio Bagas Ramadhani, Sinta Marfiani, Asyifa Rizki Utami, Fitri Lastiyanti, Astri Aldelina, and Desy Rosyani, with lecturers Dr. rer.nat. Iwan Hastiawan and Dr. Atiek Rostika Noviyanti.

“The program aims to forge cooperation further between Universitas Padjadjaran with Tokyo Metropolitan University,” said Eriya Utama in a release received PR Unpad.

During Sakura Exchange Program, students conducted lectures, laboratory experiments, and presented the results of experiments in the laboratory to the professors and students of TMU.

Experiments at Tokyo Metropolitan University were divided into different laboratories, the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, and Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Chemistry Laboratory. In each of these laboratories, Unpad students conducted experiments under the supervision of professors that led the lab directly.

In addition, on Monday (7/03), Unpad students also attended The 2nd International Forum on Applied Chemistry. Students who have finished taking this program has officially become members of Sakura Science Club, a part of network that can be useful to continue to build communication and sharing developments in science and technology between Japan and Indonesia.

“With this partnership, I hope to open up opportunities in joint research, especially for Unpad students who want to continue their study to Master or Doctoral program,” said Eriya.

Sakura Exchange Program in Science was supported by the Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). *

Released by Kimia FMIPA Unpad / art

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