Program Socialization for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unpad Dean Candidates

Suasana kegiatan sosialisasi gagasan Calon Dekan FMIPA Unpad di Ruang Rapat Dekanat FMIPA Unpad Jatinangor, Kamis (10/12). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*

[, 10/12/2015] Five candidates for Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unpad delivered their programs today, Thursday (10/12) at the Statistics Building of FMIPA Unpad, Jatinangor. This Program Socialization was held as a part of series of Selection for Faculty Deans Unpad 2016-2021.

Suasana kegiatan sosialisasi gagasan Calon Dekan FMIPA Unpad di Ruang Rapat Dekanat FMIPA Unpad Jatinangor, Kamis (10/12). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Program Socialization for FMIPA Unpad Dean Candidates at the Deanery Meetinf Room, Unpad Jatinangor, Thursday (10/12). (Photo by: Dadan T.)*

“In relation to the appointment of the new Deans and Vice Deans, Unpad Rector implemented policy of selection for Dean and Vice Dean as applied in other institutions,” said Director of Governance and Public Communication Unpad, Dr. Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim, S.Sos., M.Si. in his opening speech.

The candidates were Prof. Dr. Sudradjat Sufian, Toni Toharudin., Ph.D., Dr. Risdiana, S.Si, M.Eng, Dr. Iman Rahayu, M.Si, and Prof. Dr. Ukun MS Soedjanaatmadja. The event was moderated by Prof. Dr. Unang Supratman.

Toni Toharudin, PhD
Toni Toharudin, PhD

One of the candidates, Dr. Toni in his presentation proposed solution for problems in FMIPA Unpad in order to support the Unpad Ngahiji Unpad Kahiji program. Dr. Toni also presented three core programs where a synergy among the programs was necessary.

The three core programs were improvements in three sectors: academic and students’ affairs, resources management, and innovations and cooperations. The synergy among the programs was defined as developing a conducive, humanist, and productive academic and working environment (synergy between sector I and II), implementing an expertise information system and establishing business center for research products (synergy between sector II and III), and instigating research-innovation-and cooperation-based educational process (synergy between sector I and III).

Prof. Ukun MS Soedjanaatmadja
Prof. Ukun MS Soedjanaatmadja

Dean Candidate Prof. Ukun delivered a strategis plan to create the excellent FMIPA, which strategic goal was to increase the relevance, quality, and quantity of highly-educated human resources, as well as the capability for science and technology and innovation for the national competitiveness.

His strategic target included enhancement for learning and student qualities, human resources that supported the revitalization of the national PIP (Program Indonesia Pintar or Bright Indonesia Program) in the implementation of academic activities, and institutional strengthening and the quality of the governance.

Dr. Iman Rahayu, MSi
Dr. Iman Rahayu, MSi

Meanwhile Dr. Iman Rahayu in his presentation pointed out that his program’s strategic goal was to establish an excellent and globally competitive FMIPA. In order to achieve it, he proposed programs that supported an excellent transformative learning, outstanding improvements for research, innovation, resources, governance, and institution.

In addition, he also initiated an idea to strengthen the implementation of HUPS program in FMIPA, to intensify the role of Service Center for Basic Science (PPBS) Unpad, to issue professional certification, and to establish the role of the alumni.

Dr. Risdiana. SSi., MEng
Dr. Risdiana. SSi., MEng

In the same occasion, Dr. Risdiana came up with a theme for her program named “Bersatu Meningkatkan Mutu, Bersinergi Menjadikan Unpad Kahiji” or “United for Improving Quality, Synergized for Unpad Number One”. Dr. Risdiana’s program aimed to establish FMIPA Unpad as an excellent faculty in ASEAN level by 2020.

Dr. Risdiana also divided her program in five sessions that included improvements in organizational governance system, study programs, and quality assurance unit (SPM), human resource development, the number of scientific products, innovative outputs, and income generate, the number of cooperation networks, and regional and international accreditation targets for study programs in the Faculty.

Prof. Sudrajat Sufian
Prof. Sudrajat Sufian

In his presentation, Prof. Sudrajat stated that with the basic assets in the Faculty, it was expected that there would be developments in resources, curriculum, institution, and system. Therefore, it was aspired that primary service and competent quality assurance would be achieved; so that, FMIPA Unpad would be able to compete in global level.

His priority programs included integrated curriculum structure for both pure and applied sciences, integrated laboratories, study program development for postgraduate program, strong implementation of HUPS and ALG programs, and student development.*

Report by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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