Program Socialization for Faculty of Geology Dean Candidates

Dekan FTG Unpad, Prof. Hendarmawan (paling kiri) menjadi moderator saat Sosialisasi Gagasan Enam Calon Dekan FTG Unpad di Kampus FTG Unpad Jatinangor, Kamis (10/12). (Foto oleh:

[, 10/12/2015] Six candidates for Dean od Faculty of Geology (FTG) Universitas Padjadjaran 2016-2021 presented their programs in the Program Socialization for Dean Candidates of Unpad in the Auditorium of FTG Unpad Jatinangor Campus, Thursday (10/12). Unpad Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, Vice Rector of Governance and Resources Dr. Sigid Suseno, S.H., M.Hum., Heads of Divisions, the Dean, academics, and administrative staff members of FTG Unpad were present in the event.

Dekan FTG Unpad, Prof. Hendarmawan (paling kiri) menjadi moderator saat Sosialisasi Gagasan Enam Calon Dekan FTG Unpad di Kampus FTG Unpad Jatinangor, Kamis (10/12). (Foto oleh:
Dean of FTG Unpad, Prof. Hendarmawan (far left) was moderating the Program Socialization for Six FTG Unpad Dean Candidates in the FTG Campus, Jatinangor, Thursday (10/12). (Photo by: Tedi Yusup)*

The candidates included Dr. Ir. Vijaya Isnawardhani, M.T., Dr. Sc. Yoga Andriana Sendjaja, S.T., M.Sc., Dr. Ahmad Helman Hamdani, M.Si., Dr. Ir. Zulfialdi Zakaria, M.T., Dr. Ir. Emi Sukiyah, M.T., and Dr. Eng. Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam., S.T., M.T. The socialization was moderated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Hendarmawan., M.Sc.

Dr. Emi delivered her program of “move on”, meaning that FTG should improve the autonomy by optimizing facilities, professors, educational programs, researches, and innovative cooperations, as well as preparing the Faculty to encounter global competition and sustainable development.

Meanwhile, Dr. Vijaya presented his idea of strengthening the agenda he named “IRASPD” for FTG Unpad. The term stood for institusi (institution), riset (research) that included innovation and students’ creativity program, akademik dan kemahasiswaan (academics and student affairs), sumber daya (resources), perencanaan (planning), and pengelolaan database (database management).

Other candidate, Dr. Yoga focused on the program to improve human resources at FTG Unpad that comprised the increase of the number of professors and doctoral lecturers, assigned lecturers, and improvement of the quality of administrative staff. Another idea delivered in his speech is the development of researches and cooperations, as well as facilities. It was expected that the improvement of researches and cooperations would make FTG Unpad the institution that supported the empowerment of renewable energy sector.

Dr. Boy gave his presentation emphasizing to continue a number of previously planned programs. The agenda included increase on journal writings by students, certification for administrative staff, and quality improvement for transparent, accountable, and SIAT-integrated governance system. SIAT stood for Sistem Informasi Akademik Terpadu or Integrated Academic Information System, a system implemented in Unpad for academic and administrative needs.

Dr. Zulfiadi argued that the Dean’s working programs must be in accordance with those of Unpad Rector, as well as maintaining the achievements from the current Dean and upgrading several programs. He also coined a term defining innovation for the improvement of FTG Unpad by the name “Starlet” or strategis dan sinergis, terencana dan taktis, akuntabilitas dan agamis, reliabel, legal, ekuilibrium, dan terasah (strategic and synergetic, planned and tactical, accountable and religious, reliable, legal, equilibrium, and skillful).

Finally, Dr. Ahmad came up with the idea that consisted of three programs: Sedangkan Dr. Ahmad menyampaikan gagasan dengan membaginya menjadi 3 advanced program (human resources development), developing program (institutional improvement), and supporting program (researches, cooperations, and innovations).*

Report by Arief Maulana / eh

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